Just In
for The Embrace of Zephyrus

11/5/2012 c1 heal me forever
random but nice
5/31/2012 c1 28Silvertalons
This was very...interesting.
2/5/2012 c1 3peacelovejay
Really liked it! I usually get annoyed by stories that don't really have a conclusion, but for this one it worked! I was a little confused by the d minor vs c minor thing... are you talking about specific pieces? because in general d minor is easier than c minor since it only has 1 flat, compared to three, at least in the natural minor.
8/2/2011 c1 1swamp13
i like this, (:
7/26/2011 c1 2Ladyodd
Why did you name the guy Wolf… since you have the other story with him in it? I feel as if it clashes since it does not seem to tie into the other Wolf…

Just my two cents worth

7/25/2011 c1 2Eline Westing
haha so funny! loved the peeves of the americans and the british! and unexpected, because of annie!

one thing though - being a pianist, (i'm not sure if you are or not, maybe you're more experienced than me if you are) D minor is harder to play than C minor because of the number of black keys to play (C minor is one, D minor is three) in my experience. but maybe i'm wrong? idk.

great story! gave me a laugh!
7/25/2011 c1 1An.Imperfect.Circle
XD This was so anime-like! haha :P good work, funny :)
7/24/2011 c1 pbgurl
XD I love that she shocked the hell out of him with her awesome piano skills.

The insults about the British and Americans were funny!

-Liz :D

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