Just In
for Secret

12/28/2011 c2 FilipinoChick
Hey, quick question, although you can't answer because I'm anonymous. Ilicano or Tagalog?

Because most of my family can speak both and I get them confused. (American girl with a Filipino family...)

My spelling is crap. Love your story.
12/12/2011 c3 Helene Dormier
Like I tweeted, I'm not really good at this. So you'll have to forgive the trite crap I pass off as a review.

I like the development, splashes of local color (did I mention I can just imagine the airport bathroom scene because, I don't know, I think I've been in the same one? Haha.), and your very powerful verbs. :) I could seriously learn a thing or two from this. Nothing was redundant or divergent to the flow of the entire story, none of that kilometric description crap that just totally interrupts the moment.

Finally, since we're talking favorite lines, here's mine:

"No one was following anyone to Nikki's."

12/11/2011 c3 Kim
Sexy but intelligent at the same time. It actually had a storyline! I liked the fact that her name was never mentioned. Coincidence?
10/7/2011 c1 1nutsandbolts
I knew that the bittersweet ending is gonna come and yet I still read it up to the end. I really hate it when main characters choose the secure and steady thing/life/person instead of following what their hearts/guts say, I mean you only live once, might as well embrace all the things that makes you happy, I would not want to die disappointed and unfulfilled. At times like that where you have to choose, sometimes it's good to just say "TANGINA THIS!" :))
8/30/2011 c3 22my poor toaster

That is all.
8/30/2011 c1 28Robin Leigh
I don't usually review the M-stuff I read (since I'm not supposed to be reading them, anyway), but seeing as you're a Pinay and you reviewed one of mine, well, I don't want to miss the chance to tell you that you're pretty cool at writing and that your use of local color (something I wish I could do more) is clever. :) I hope to see more work from you. :D
8/28/2011 c1 ReadingForKicks
I really like this story, although i was abit confused in the third part, when its mention she loves/d jeremy? I know they had heaps of chemistry but love wasnt ever mentioned in the first part! But i think she should of ended up with jeremey lol!

But other then that i liked how you sectioned off the parts with the deffinitions of words and such, it was a very good read i kinda wanted it to be longer though because i enjoyed it so much

Much love xx
8/28/2011 c3 8Kuso.Girl
Fantastically written. Exactly what I was looking for. I could feel everything as if I was watching a movie instead of reading text. I enjoyed it very, very much.
8/13/2011 c2 foxyricanlady
it says the it complet but i hope not cause you ar a great writer and it feels like they still have unfinish business i hope for more soon
8/13/2011 c2 1Kcoarra
Awwwww why does it have to be over :( I really enjoyed this short story you should continue it!
8/9/2011 c1 Bitch Witch
Hmmm... nice story.. is it fiction? lol! you have a future in being an erotic literature writer. I can even give you some stuffs to write about.. hahaha! Keep it up gf, and msg me when you added new ones.
8/7/2011 c1 1DofD
Wow... wow! Please post the second part soon.
8/2/2011 c1 1preppychiq03
Awesome. its like flaw but a whole different setting. i was lurking around your profile to see if you updated Silver tie. but i ended up reading this. ;)
8/2/2011 c1 foxyricanlady
great start. but why so short? please update soon

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