Just In
for Not By Blood

2/22/2013 c22 BlueKnicksnKnacks
Loved it, adorable, and I'm starting to really like Astrid. Update soon:)
2/18/2013 c21 mylittlePRINCESS
funny chapter, update please.
2/17/2013 c21 1Cornerofoysters
Was there a Supernatural reference? Where? I've watched every season and I couldn't find it. It's really freaking me out!
By the way, the chapter was great, a shame it was short, but I'm looking forward next chapter.
2/16/2013 c21 jasminesurf
Awesome :) the part with the onions cracked me up.
2/16/2013 c21 xnowherefastx
I swear to everything that's under the sun, if you don't update within a week I will personally swin across the Atlantic and find where you live. Have a nice day!
But in all seriousness, this is a really good story. Keep up the good work!
2/16/2013 c21 1Amy90
I liked the sweet cooking scene. :)
Can't wait for the next update. More Luke/Astrid scenes, please?
2/16/2013 c21 19bookppl93
BAHAHAHAHAAA! Too cute! :3
2/16/2013 c21 5wasauskyx
I really like that Astrid nicknamed Lucas 'Luke'...I think. Update soon :)
2/16/2013 c21 10BexishDevil
THat really does hurt like hell let me tell you.
2/16/2013 c21 2flep
OH MY GOD YOU'RE FROM ENGLAND? I'm actually quite suprised. You get america so well... I'm jealous. I have no idea how america works :(

And your favourite author is John Green! Something we have in common! :)
2/16/2013 c21 marginal-utility
Lucas should not have touched his eyes! And i thought he was smart.
2/16/2013 c21 1Nalledia
XD Now this was an interesting chapterXD Gotta love Astrid and Luke trying to cook and epic failing. There was a Supernatural reference?! Shame on me for missing it! *Weeps* Oh, and when Lucas takes the knife, you missed out the word 'heard': you said 'when I Lucas curse'. Otherwise, yay me for another chapter of this awesomeness!:D
2/16/2013 c21 INDEESEEUS
I'm a huge supernatural fan but I can't find the reference and its KILLING ME. Not to mention I'm waiting for the next moment they break and kiss each other. Next chapter, perchance...? :D
2/16/2013 c21 1Up With the Birds
I just- I... Your chapters make me swoon
2/15/2013 c21 RubyRed22
AHHHH, no! MORE WAITING! I love this story and its characters so much, it's a bit obsessive.
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