2/15/2013 c21
HIGH FIVE. That really made me happy x3
Nice chapter, really cute, and astrid being astrid makes me smile ANYday. (:

HIGH FIVE. That really made me happy x3
Nice chapter, really cute, and astrid being astrid makes me smile ANYday. (:
2/15/2013 c21 L.Y Escape Reality
So many idle touches :) (arm Around astride waist) PERFECT TOUCH!
Update soon :) and great job
So many idle touches :) (arm Around astride waist) PERFECT TOUCH!
Update soon :) and great job
2/15/2013 c21
Lolz pizza ;P onion haha ... um yeah well... LOVE IT cant waiy for more ;)

Lolz pizza ;P onion haha ... um yeah well... LOVE IT cant waiy for more ;)
2/15/2013 c21
"Pizza?" "Pizza." I enjoyed that chapter, not that a lot actually happened, but I loved the lasagna episode at the end! Can't wait to continue reading for when you next update!

"Pizza?" "Pizza." I enjoyed that chapter, not that a lot actually happened, but I loved the lasagna episode at the end! Can't wait to continue reading for when you next update!
2/15/2013 c21
This chapter was great and i'm glad that when i got back from my walk it was waiting for me! :) Update soon!

This chapter was great and i'm glad that when i got back from my walk it was waiting for me! :) Update soon!
2/14/2013 c20 BookReader88
okay so i started this story last night and i was like reading thinking omg (Oh My Gary) this is so great Astrid is a lot like me with witty comments and sarcasm well while i was reading i came up with this EPIC comment but i was like as soon as i finish chapter 20 but when i finished i was surprised i had gotten to the end so in my disappointment i forgot the comment *mental sigh and slap* but anyway please hurry cause like i'm waiting on several people to update and i don't know how much more my heart can take!
okay so i started this story last night and i was like reading thinking omg (Oh My Gary) this is so great Astrid is a lot like me with witty comments and sarcasm well while i was reading i came up with this EPIC comment but i was like as soon as i finish chapter 20 but when i finished i was surprised i had gotten to the end so in my disappointment i forgot the comment *mental sigh and slap* but anyway please hurry cause like i'm waiting on several people to update and i don't know how much more my heart can take!
2/14/2013 c20
Ooo boy I can't wait for the next chapter! :D This story is so addicting, you're doing a wonderful job. Update soon :)

Ooo boy I can't wait for the next chapter! :D This story is so addicting, you're doing a wonderful job. Update soon :)
2/11/2013 c20
Please update faster! I thought you forgot about us poor, desperate fans. Yay! They kissed again, so that almost makes up for the neglect...
The next chapter will decide whether you're truly forgiven. :P

Please update faster! I thought you forgot about us poor, desperate fans. Yay! They kissed again, so that almost makes up for the neglect...
The next chapter will decide whether you're truly forgiven. :P
2/11/2013 c20 Sabah
2/10/2013 c20
1Fanatical Dreamer
Awesome chapter, as usual!
Ahhhhh! Another kiss scene! *Might die of happiness...
Best of luck with your essays and see you next time!

Awesome chapter, as usual!
Ahhhhh! Another kiss scene! *Might die of happiness...
Best of luck with your essays and see you next time!