Just In
for Not By Blood

2/10/2013 c20 L.Y Escape Reality
Great! Try to write a longer one and Update soon!
2/10/2013 c20 211cina24
Haha the ending was funny. Glad to see an update!
2/10/2013 c20 lostlamb
Party at carter's tomorrow night! Everyone's invited! I dislike you! That was cute! Most are excited when a party happens.
2/10/2013 c20 1Up With the Birds
Oh my god. You're destroying my emotions. I've been waiting for this chapter forever and here it is and I love it, don't get me wrong, but JESUS CHRIST SO MANY FEELINGS.
2/10/2013 c20 1Nalledia
Aww… you were right! There was a proper bit of fluff in this one! I LOVED it!:D Astrid is really growing on me with her soft side, and her hard-core pranks and jabs. This party they'll be having, I bet probably won't end all to well…. Do hurry with the next one!
2/10/2013 c20 RubyRed22
Hahahahahaha, I LOVED this chapter! Seriously laughed my ass off.
Best parts:
"the sky's bluer than an Avatar"
"then all I have to do us outrun Lucas"
"I mean you act like a five year old, so it's like I'm leaving my five year old daughter at home. "

Ahhhhh... Astrid never fails to amuse me. And her mom is freakin' hilarious when she's panicky.

I was so happy you updated! I can't wait for the party! Parties are always so much fun. ;) I trust that you'll get at least one person drunk, right?
2/10/2013 c2 2GoNe RoGuE
I can tell I'm already going to like this story and hope you update frequently. Astrid is hilarious and Lucas seems to have an attitude which I can tell is promising hilarity. The plot is cliche which I love and I can't wait to read more!
2/10/2013 c20 5wasauskyx
:) more please :)
2/10/2013 c20 10Nami98
LMAO. You never seem to dissappoint me xD this is genius! Astrid is such an entertaining character, and your writing style is so easy/fun to read! Awesome job! And update sooN! :D
2/10/2013 c20 marginal-utility
She Dislikes Him.
2/10/2013 c20 mylittleprincess
Update soon:)
2/10/2013 c20 2flep
Oh god, the ending. "I DISLIKE YOU!" Killed me.
2/10/2013 c20 fantasygurl1330
ASDFGHJKL its been so long! But I haven't given up hope on this story. I love it dearly. So good (as always) You are forgiven. Update soon, missy!
2/4/2013 c19 fracturedinnocence
I love it! It's hilarious, well-writen, and I really like the steady pace. I like it when the two interest are a little snarky to each other and don't "Fall In Love At First Sight". And you hit it right on the mark, I'm enjoying watching their relationship grow so thanks for all the laughs :) and update when you can!
1/31/2013 c1 fracturedinnocence
Oh yeah, this is the first one I've decided to follow. I love your writing and love the prologue. So I'm excited to continue reading *Jumping up and down*
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