Just In
for Not By Blood

12/8/2012 c1 2flep
Loved the chicken little reference :)
12/7/2012 c17 10Nami98
lmao, as always your stories are hilarious. i have a feeling that very soon in chapters to come, theyre going to explode and make out with eachother, like hardore, lol
update soon! :D
10/29/2012 c17 DELETED-LE-ACCCOUNT
girl, you need to update soon!
10/27/2012 c17 lanagon39
Damn! I forgot I wasn't reading a finished story! (Whoops)
Sooooo good M
10/27/2012 c16 lanagon39
I'm really enjoying this. It's really hard to find a story with a quirky character who I don't find overly forced or ridiculous. But Astrid seems silly and witty and the kind of person that would be awesome to hang out with. And it's good to see the avoidance of too much repetitive material.
10/14/2012 c17 Caoimhe
I love this story so so much. I find Astrid so hilarious, but anywayyyyy just thought I'd say I'm more of a fan of fanfiction,but your the reason I'm here on fictionpress!
10/9/2012 c17 6imperfectlyokay
Bleh. So it's taken forever and a day for me to review... My apologies.

Anyway, I think that a lot of things could have happened when Soph walked in but you neatly avoided a whole lot of unnecessary angst by handling it the way you did. Yay! I don't like unnecessary angst.

I'm also very interested in this revenge :D looking forward to the next update!
10/8/2012 c17 1DeadlyKitten2021
. girrr ... i love this soooo much XP
10/6/2012 c17 AnonymousReads
Yes thanks for updating don't forget to update again soon
10/6/2012 c17 Emmaa x
so, just realised that i've been sooooo majorly busy adn whatnot, that i totally forgot to read this! Sorry :/
Anyway, i'm making up for it now :P
So my main comment for this chapter...
When you write:

"If I ever got married, I was having ice cream vans and carnival rides and giant chess boards and loads of things that'd be fun"

I just have one thing to say about this: i cannot believe that you missed out the bouncy castle?! ;)

and you know, as a whole this was epic! So yeah, update soon? Please :D because i need to know how that prank turned out
10/5/2012 c17 19bookppl93
10/5/2012 c17 Amarie
This story...ahhhh makes me laugh :)
10/4/2012 c17 1Nalledia
Hehehehe, it gets me everytime Astrid is Astrid… I can't wait for the prank! It should be epic! But shame, poor Luke and Astrid can't be together… though I do agree, it's kinda awkward in that not-awkward way, step-siblings dating… Well, I hope another chapter comes soon, I want to know what happens!:D
10/3/2012 c17 1Let The Wings Soar
Ahhh I want to know what this "revenge" is, mostly because I want to know what they bought. Too bad they decided to forget about everything at the wedding, but I suppose its realistic...
10/3/2012 c17 6FudoTwin17
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