Just In
for Not By Blood

9/18/2013 c25 6Acornn
I absolutely love the humor! Please update ASAP!
9/8/2013 c25 2SkyBlue1309
Lol I love astrid! Her humor is awesome! Plz update this! I love it
7/28/2013 c25 Guest
This is really good. Keep it up. I'm anxious for the next chapter. Keep believing in yourself because you are certainly doing something right. I only saw a few errors or problems but not anything to worry yourself over. People should follow there dreams more often. It is difficult to be a writer but more and more people seem to be making it these days. I truly love your story and can't wait for more. Please update soon, the suspense is killing me. Good luck ; )
7/25/2013 c25 4Let'sGetDownToBusiness
I absolutely adore this story & find your characters really interesting. The only thing I don't like is how some of you're dialogue is a tad bit cheesy & how in the beginning of the story Astrid asked if Wal-Mart was opened at seven (which prompted me to thinking that Wal-Mart was 24/7) & then later on it said that it was 24/7.. I don't know, that just really bothered me.
But I like all the cute things you put in your story (ex. Killing the spider with a can of deodorant, the family eating at the French restaurant, Astrid's love for Lucas' car) anyways, please keep updating :)
7/22/2013 c25 19bookppl93
Jskajskdjdkdd perfection3
7/17/2013 c25 Naeema
I am in love with this story! :D
7/3/2013 c25 5wasauskyx
Hahaha, are you serious? Your BIRTH CERTIFICATE?! This was a really satisfying chapter :). I love how Lucas loves Astrid even though the girl's effing crazy, but fun, she kind of reminds me of Sam Pukket, from iCarly. (If you haven't watched the show, you should look online at at least one episode to see the extremes of her craziness.) Please give us more romantic scenes :)))))) pretty pretty please. By the way, I liked Leigh :).

And I know this has nothing to do with the story, but you don't really sound English. I mean, from what I've been exposed to growing up, British people use the term "bloody" for cursing out and stuff and this story...well, you did an excellent job keeping it American. And if you ARE American, excuse this whole rant.

Update soon please! :).
6/29/2013 c25 marginal-utility
I hope you managed to capture the escaped birth certificate.
6/29/2013 c25 72898
Nooooooooo! Cliffhangers suck!
6/27/2013 c25 keri.patrickfultz
I love this story! Update soon!
6/27/2013 c25 AccountkillerO1
So, i just started reading and i couldn't help myself but keep on reading!
So i noticed how you keep mentioning the ending chapters... so does that mean there are about five to six more chapters left?
I am totally loving Astrid and Lucas.. do you think you could compare them to some actors... afterall, u are the author! :-)
6/26/2013 c25 zyx321
a very interesting chapter :)
6/25/2013 c25 Derpina96
uggghhhh i can't believe you stopped there this is in the top 5 of my favorite stories on fictionpress seriously please don't keep us waiting for too long
6/25/2013 c25 2CassHughes
Ok first of all, you are an amazing writer. Just thought I should throw that out there.

When I first saw the summary for this I didn't expect it to be so good! I have literally spent the past day and a half reading this every chance I've had until I got caught up. *sigh*

That's all I wanted to say. Now I'll just have to wait until you update again. So can't wait! ;)
6/25/2013 c25 AnonymousReads
Dang it a cliff hanger that mean you hav to post the next chapter ASAP. I loved the chapter though. Update soon. Please. :)
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