6/11/2013 c24 Derpina96
wow i looove Astrid she's awesome and i can totally relate to her except the witty comebacks i'm really bad at those i always think those up waay later after confrontation but she's one of my favorite fiction characters seriously keep writing you writing and the whole think is really good!
wow i looove Astrid she's awesome and i can totally relate to her except the witty comebacks i'm really bad at those i always think those up waay later after confrontation but she's one of my favorite fiction characters seriously keep writing you writing and the whole think is really good!
6/2/2013 c24
So... it's midnight. And I'm still reading this- and still loving it! Considering I have to be awake for school in less that seven hours, this is probably not the best thing to do. Anyway, I loved this chapter! AMAZING! Update soon... please? :)

So... it's midnight. And I'm still reading this- and still loving it! Considering I have to be awake for school in less that seven hours, this is probably not the best thing to do. Anyway, I loved this chapter! AMAZING! Update soon... please? :)
6/2/2013 c19 TheClosetWriter16
Ahaha I loved this chapter so much! And I felt the need to tell you, in that part where she raised her eyebrow for the first time and then her and Lucas got all smiley, I grinned so freaking hard. And then I realised that I was smiling creepily at my laptop in a room alone. Awkward...
Also my eyebrows are pretty amazing. Like one thing I am proud of in life in the way I can move my eyebrows hahaha... Anyway you're amazing! :D
Ahaha I loved this chapter so much! And I felt the need to tell you, in that part where she raised her eyebrow for the first time and then her and Lucas got all smiley, I grinned so freaking hard. And then I realised that I was smiling creepily at my laptop in a room alone. Awkward...
Also my eyebrows are pretty amazing. Like one thing I am proud of in life in the way I can move my eyebrows hahaha... Anyway you're amazing! :D
6/2/2013 c9 TheClosetWriter16
Wow, loved this chapter! I really love how Astrid is so good with comebacks and arguing and, in all honesty, she kind of reminds me of myself ahaha ;)
Wow, loved this chapter! I really love how Astrid is so good with comebacks and arguing and, in all honesty, she kind of reminds me of myself ahaha ;)
6/2/2013 c6 TheClosetWriter16
yay! I am loving this story :D And I share a birthday with the wedding date ahaha
yay! I am loving this story :D And I share a birthday with the wedding date ahaha
5/31/2013 c24
3The Beauty of Lies
I swear if it wasnt for the convienience of a tiny window opening to log in so you could review, i might just be posting anon reviews on this story... But I really love Astrid and Lucas, and I couldnt do that to them and their author, not really. So! I like how this chapter wasnt so much romance or tension between the main characters like they have after a party scene where one or both get drunk and things happen. Astrid is slowly starting to realize that Lucas is more than just a step brother and not because of the attraction but those last lines when they were about to ride bumblebee... It seemed like something I would think, too. I enjoyed reading about Astrids past because it gives me a clearer sense of her character, and I have this feeling that if she were real, and I asked straight out, shed never tell me xD Anyway, I cant wait for the next chapter.

I swear if it wasnt for the convienience of a tiny window opening to log in so you could review, i might just be posting anon reviews on this story... But I really love Astrid and Lucas, and I couldnt do that to them and their author, not really. So! I like how this chapter wasnt so much romance or tension between the main characters like they have after a party scene where one or both get drunk and things happen. Astrid is slowly starting to realize that Lucas is more than just a step brother and not because of the attraction but those last lines when they were about to ride bumblebee... It seemed like something I would think, too. I enjoyed reading about Astrids past because it gives me a clearer sense of her character, and I have this feeling that if she were real, and I asked straight out, shed never tell me xD Anyway, I cant wait for the next chapter.
5/27/2013 c24 Guest
Awww...I love it! Astrid and Lucas are so adorable! :) Can't wait for more! Update soon!
Awww...I love it! Astrid and Lucas are so adorable! :) Can't wait for more! Update soon!
5/27/2013 c24
Heeey i like where this is going :) Im lovin it! ..why do i sound like a mcdonald's ad thing augh lol so yeah this is great!

Heeey i like where this is going :) Im lovin it! ..why do i sound like a mcdonald's ad thing augh lol so yeah this is great!