Just In
for I Dare You!

7/15/2012 c28 Anna Macon
KK! I guess I'll start using wattpad more often to still catch you and Kyeire then! Thank you :P
7/13/2012 c27 mylittlePRINCESS
I hope you update soon.
7/11/2012 c27 JJsMommy29
amazing story just keeps getting better and better so can't wait to see what happens next and to see what Tom has to say to Hope so update soon
7/11/2012 c27 4courtnestle
pretty good so far. i like the stoty line but find the characters family history quite confusing, because it seems that none of them have a fully normal family besides Maddy. but i do like it. maybe check out my storiea too?
7/11/2012 c27 3PurpleStrawberries15
omg u have to keep writing more! i wanna know wat happens to kay, hope nd especially savy XD
7/10/2012 c27 30HopelessRomantic97
Wow. REALLY epic story. Keep on writing though!
7/8/2012 c24 Swanie
Please please update! I love this story and I read all of what you update in a couple minutes haha, but Ty for another awesome update and hope to see you soon wih another :D
7/4/2012 c24 meeska
Its a really good story. I hope you update soon
7/4/2012 c24 HopelessRomantic97
Enjoyed the chapter. Alcohol at a party no good results;-) can't wait for more!
6/27/2012 c24 JJsMommy29
great chapter and so can't wait to see what happens when she goes to that party and also if she talks to her brother and helps him get with her friend so update soon and keep up the amazing work
6/26/2012 c24 mylittleprincess
awesome chapter!
6/25/2012 c21 mylittlePRINCESS
can't wait for next chapter.
6/20/2012 c21 Music Read Luv
this is one reason why i dont play truth or dare xD i honestly dont like allen, he basically knew that if he told his mom then they would have to break up, but he did so anyways. and helena? really? chris and kay better get together so troy and maddy can date cuz it would be very very very veryvery very very very very awkward and weird if they were dating and chris was married to troy's older sister. xD i love your story so far by the way! UPDATE SOON! D
6/18/2012 c21 JJsMommy29
was hoping to find out what his mom was and what she said to him but can't wait to see what happens next in this story so keep up the amazing work and update soon
6/15/2012 c18 3Rainbowmadhatter
Grrrrrrrrr please please please please please ease write more im alredy going through .

Thank you:)
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