Just In
for The Champions

2/26/2023 c1 knockmeoffmyfeet
Hi, I'm from a fast-growing online reading platform. Currently, we are looking for new authors to join us. Send me a message if this offer piqued your interest.
1/8/2019 c12 Random Anon
I think I kind of get Janet now. When they say "smart", they mean in the Tony Stark/inventor way, not the brilliant mastermind way. She has developed some great tech, but doesn't realize the benefits of clear communication, or come up with plans any better than those of Alvin, who is just an average teenager mentally.
5/29/2017 c75 3LucyRowanVictoria
Is it awful that I think I feel more pain about Eddie's father's death, than Martin's
5/29/2017 c74 LucyRowanVictoria
Have I mentioned before how horrible your puns are?
5/29/2017 c73 LucyRowanVictoria
Geoff has psychic powers? What the heck! He seems overly loaded on powers!
5/29/2017 c72 LucyRowanVictoria
You're the comedian.
5/29/2017 c71 LucyRowanVictoria
A comedy club? They ARE a comedy club!
5/29/2017 c69 LucyRowanVictoria
5/29/2017 c68 LucyRowanVictoria
Bread and Circuses again?
5/29/2017 c66 LucyRowanVictoria
Still love Janet!
5/28/2017 c65 LucyRowanVictoria
I wonder what Janet thinks of the TARDIS…
5/28/2017 c64 LucyRowanVictoria
I agree,Sam, I agree…
5/28/2017 c63 LucyRowanVictoria
How could his helmet have been the source of such powr? Who gave him it?

Why do you keep bringng Catholics into the story?
5/28/2017 c62 LucyRowanVictoria
Don't do it Eddie! Someone always needs to b the odd one out for something!
5/28/2017 c61 LucyRowanVictoria
What's the matter with that kid?
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