Just In
for Evangeline

10/18/2011 c8 2bunnyluver225
I just checked ur profile..

and i guess you are a proffesional!

10/18/2011 c7 bunnyluver225
You are really good.

i mean i wasnt joking when i said you should publish it!
10/18/2011 c5 bunnyluver225
okay, now im scared...

10/18/2011 c4 bunnyluver225
this is o far prbably my favourite one...

10/18/2011 c3 bunnyluver225
oooh, that was cool!

even though Evangeline is so sweeet...

it's kinda creepy !
10/18/2011 c2 bunnyluver225
still loving i t :)
10/18/2011 c1 bunnyluver225

i loove it like some professional author wrote this.

You should consider publishing this :D

I guess this probably doesnt mean that much beacsue you have a lot of reviewers..(just guess) but this is AWESOME!
10/17/2011 c14 RainfallSeven
And so, the suspense starts!
10/12/2011 c7 Einsamkeit
This is getting good. You are a very talented writer, and your pace is fantastic. I'm really looking forward to the next chapter.
10/11/2011 c4 Einsamkeit
This is an interesting piece. Please continue.
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