Just In
for Ergo Sum

6/26/2014 c4 4I. C. Kyeropas
"Ergo Sum" is a fitting title, but an invalid philosophical idea. It makes sense to the human mind that a being that can thing also exists, but (ironically) the human mind learns deduction from induction. Children must drop their dishes many times before realizing gravity never changes. We learn logic by seeing that one plus one always equals two, and that syllogisms never fail. But induction is flawed a little bit. There might be one instance where human logic fails, which opens up the possibility that all logic is flawed. "Ergo Sum" makes sense to me, but can I trust my own logic?

I allow my consciousness to think about other thins when performing mindless tasks. I let my "subconscious" do the work. You don't need an implant, you just need to train your brain. Admittedly, it would be easier to use an implant than to train the unconscious mind to problem solve.

Children are very empathetic. Calling them sociopaths is just flat out incorrect.

In order to find the source of a signal, you must triangulate. You need at least to positions to triangulate from.

Lead is not volatile, so it is unlikely that the character could detect lead from the rooftop. Besides, why would he carry that kind of technology with him?
6/24/2014 c3 I. C. Kyeropas
Anything that synthesizes material would need material and energy to synthesize with. I don't see how this could be accomplished in a ruined suburban home.

Our brains have evolved to respond to electrochemical action potentials with even more electrochemical action potentials. If the brain ceases to receive a signal, the brain, and therefore the conscious, cannot function. A brain in a jar would not simply go crazy; it would cease to function entirely.

If you had an implant, you wouldn't need a projection of light against your eye. It could just send the words to the language section of the brain directly.

I'm feeling so childish right now, and I don't care.
6/24/2014 c2 I. C. Kyeropas
Induction zones cause cancer.

Tazer shots currently exist as shot gun rounds, and, because they pack their own punch, they don't need the punch from gunpowder. A suppressor would not have any trouble keeping the noise down.

Many years ago, Freud made a distinction between conscious and subconscious. Modern neuroscience has disowned this idea. In reality, the brain has something like compartments. Perhaps Morpheus works by turning some parts of the brain off, or controlling which parts of the brain manipulate motor skills. Perhaps its an implant, either biological or electronic, that has its own information. I have yet to find out. But an intelligent subconscious can't be a thing, because no actual distinction exists between conscious and subconscious.

I'm not the only one who throws science out the window.
6/24/2014 c1 I. C. Kyeropas
To answer the question in the story description: you become enlightened. This is the end goal of a Buddhist monk.
1/17/2013 c8 839538
The narrative is really good, but you have a tendency to over-use certain phrases, which can get a bit annoying, and even shorten them which is even more annoying. But otherwise the story's great.
9/29/2012 c8 12TorgoTheWhite
Once again, the chapter intermingles solid action with the correct dose of character quirk. Gamma is growing on me (don't know if that is a good thing) and my only complaint is that the story verged on info dumping at points (all hard sci-fi writers are guilty of this).

The reveal of the "disco balls" came as a bit of a surprise. I suppose that they truly are "disco balls of doom".
9/26/2012 c6 TorgoTheWhite
Solid chapter with nice action interspersed through out. Frank cracks me up with his childish antics and Linda does the same with her snarky comments. The cannibalism part with Gamma freaked me out quite a bit. Is he the favorite character you were talking about? Talk about fan disservice.
9/24/2012 c5 TorgoTheWhite
Chapter looks good for the most part. One minor issue. Guan Yu did not use a halberd (if you are talking about the historical Guan Yu, it is a different matter). The ROT3K version, which is the one most people these days are familiar with, used a Guan Dao, which is closer to a broadsword with a long pole than a halberd, which is an amalgamation of axe and spear.

I assume that the "hideously gaudy reflective spheres" are disco balls?

" 'Freeze!' I heard a voice behind me shout. 'Gimme the food, and I might let you live!' " - the "threat" sounded a little unnatural even to a geek like me. Perhaps injecting an expletive or two would make it sound more desperate and convincing?

The Frank character sounds fascinating. Is he supposed to be a representation of the overweight, socially awkward video game nerds living in basements?
9/22/2012 c4 TorgoTheWhite
I guess I am a bit confused about the part when Frank got shot? Did the chubby guy really have something underneath him protecting him from bullets (like an endoskeleton?).

Generic question regarding the zombies featured. Are they resurrected from the dead by the virus or are they ordinary human beings who lose sapience after infection?
8/18/2012 c1 TorgoTheWhite
Hi John. Finally got time to get back to fiction press again. Nice to see that you are as prolific as always!

Great to see a story about computer engineers the way we always want to be presented as (Matrix style hackers instead of the losers we actually are, most of the time). Interesting that the people of the future still use the Wi-fi protocol.
1/25/2012 c1 Stardrag
Very well done.

I hadn't expected one of the first stories I'd read since coming back here to be of such high quality. You lack any apparent grammar mistakes, but I was thinking that maybe you could cut off the last sentence and place your introductory paragraph at the end. Mainly because the beginning acts as if we're starting in this other world instead of only going there later.

Just my own observations though. Also, I didn't know about "bullpup till now. Thanks for teaching me something.
10/25/2011 c1 1tyger cub
Interesting concept. Well written and can't wait to see the next chapter...

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