6/12/2019 c1 Mini
Wow! I would have loved to read more.
Wow! I would have loved to read more.
6/24/2016 c1 4R. Ficst
So, I've gone and thoroughly addicted myself to it. Please please please update?!
So, I've gone and thoroughly addicted myself to it. Please please please update?!
5/23/2015 c1 2Fobbster
I'm guessing he's sort of an empath or something, and can sense emotions by their auras?
He sounds a LOT like Artemis Fowl.
I'm guessing he's sort of an empath or something, and can sense emotions by their auras?
He sounds a LOT like Artemis Fowl.
7/6/2013 c1 4GrangerDanger333
Ooooooh! A deaf superhero! LOVE IT. Is he seeing auras, is that it? Hmmm.. I hope you write more D
Ooooooh! A deaf superhero! LOVE IT. Is he seeing auras, is that it? Hmmm.. I hope you write more D
1/22/2013 c1 Maria
Omg this is really good yoy must continue!-Maria
Omg this is really good yoy must continue!-Maria
1/10/2013 c1 Authoress of the Midnight Moon
I am definitely hooked. I really find the idea of building up to a superhero instead of jumping straight into the action. It seems like there is already conflict within Reeve but I wonder about who the 'villain' could possibly be.
I can't wait to see if there is more to come. :)
I am definitely hooked. I really find the idea of building up to a superhero instead of jumping straight into the action. It seems like there is already conflict within Reeve but I wonder about who the 'villain' could possibly be.
I can't wait to see if there is more to come. :)
1/6/2013 c1 6Lulu the Llama
You know what?
I've never read anything like this.
It's absolutely... well, interesting. I also am kind of a masochist and find the built up between characters to be LOVELY. I like to torture myself, so when you tell me the love interest won't show up for a while, somehow - some fricken how - that tempts me more.
Hooked, love. Can't wait to see where you take this!
You know what?
I've never read anything like this.
It's absolutely... well, interesting. I also am kind of a masochist and find the built up between characters to be LOVELY. I like to torture myself, so when you tell me the love interest won't show up for a while, somehow - some fricken how - that tempts me more.
Hooked, love. Can't wait to see where you take this!
8/21/2012 c1 The12Lies
I LOVE IT! Everything is so interesting, I couldn't stop myself from reading it. Can't wait for the next chapter! 3
I LOVE IT! Everything is so interesting, I couldn't stop myself from reading it. Can't wait for the next chapter! 3
8/1/2012 c1 Kindred Spirit
So I think I've probably read this story about 12ish times... And eeeevery single time I re-read it and get to the end I get all sad cause there arent any other chapters, and I think about asking you to write more... But I don't really like reviewing. But here I am! Asking you to write more :D please? This is a really awesome story so far, I'm a huge fan of your stuff. :)
So I think I've probably read this story about 12ish times... And eeeevery single time I re-read it and get to the end I get all sad cause there arent any other chapters, and I think about asking you to write more... But I don't really like reviewing. But here I am! Asking you to write more :D please? This is a really awesome story so far, I'm a huge fan of your stuff. :)