Just In
for Leviathan!

3/6/2014 c20 ittykitty
An AWESOME chapter. Such a cliffy-I can't wait for the next chap! I hope Levi doesn't kill Kraken. Thanks for writing :)
3/5/2014 c20 TheMadButterfly
I cannot wait to read more! Kind of sad that there is only one more chapter but please don't keep us waiting 6 months for it! I swear there should be a easy way readers ccould send you money so you could quit your day job and just write us stories all day!
3/4/2014 c20 nooooooo
one last chaper? noooooo it cant end yet! i love this sotry too much!
3/4/2014 c20 Verronitca
Yay! (does the happy dance) thank you so much for updating I really, really, really love this story! Will you make a kindle version for this like Stalker? Or a hard copy because I really want it in my library!
3/4/2014 c20 krlsen
3/4/2014 c20 cheesekun
Wow! Never saw that coming! Please don;t have Levi kill Kraken! :0 Please update soooon
3/3/2014 c20 Willowtm
Ah! No! Okay, one left, one left... I can do this... Ahem, anyways, lovingly hating the ending, but gotta say my entire day just brightened when I checked my email. - Yay, update!
3/3/2014 c20 Themadbutterfly
Yeah! Today was the day! An update! I cannot wait for the next chapter! I am happy to see everything unfolding and going down. For a second I thought volt was the one who killed Leviathon
3/3/2014 c20 5paputsza
What? gasp! what. Plug all the holes please, it will feel good.
3/2/2014 c20 7blackkitties
Kidmfidmsmfkfmdkdk no9oooooo I want more! I can't wait to read the conclousion . this is so amazing!
3/2/2014 c20 Yay
Thank you thank you thank you! :D
3/2/2014 c20 Guest
Oh man Kraken's going to be hurting real bad... Of course I think Volt will interfere... And I hope Levi knocks Rage off his high and mighty pedestal. Cause as jealous as I'm sure Triton is, I think Levi can fight his own battles.
3/2/2014 c20 Guest
Hmmm this chapter confused me- where were kraken/ rage? Thats still a little unclear to me, post- chapter. Did troy know anout levi before- was that why he wasnt angry? And Whats going on with villiancon? Hmmm
3/2/2014 c20 dolorosmeanspain
please include rough triton/leviathan sex please before end
3/2/2014 c20 4Mewenn
My money was on Volt and an accident. But this can be interesting too. I wonder how things went down for Kraken to think killing his twin was the only solution. And I'm looking forward to know how the whole thing will end. I'm really curious if Troy and Levi's relationship can survive after this. Though Levi sounds like he has affection for Troy most of the time it feels more like the affection for a pet (unless he's lying to himself). So I'd love to look what happens when everyone knows who the others are and there is no more blackmail going around.
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