Just In
for Leviathan!

12/12/2011 c2 Blue Devil012
Can't wait to read more! Liking it loads!
12/12/2011 c2 kittyrev
I find myself looking forward to the next chapter, well done.
12/4/2011 c1 prostock69
Nice start; love the premise.
12/4/2011 c1 Kenny Deheart
Very nice, cant wait for more :)
12/3/2011 c1 17JtheChosen1
Interesting start here - can't wait to see where you go with this!
12/3/2011 c1 khrisCHAN
I like this idea ALOT, I hope for more chapters to come. Keep up the good work! :)
12/3/2011 c1 zetsuaiforever
love all your story and I was happy to see one of my favourite author update and post such wonderful fiction
12/3/2011 c1 QuickSilverSand
wow, the story seems so interesting...i've never come across something like this! please update soon!
12/2/2011 c1 2VoiceInsideYourHeadVIII
This looks like a wonderful story, can't wait for the next one :D
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