Just In
for I'm Keeping On The Jacket

8/31/2019 c1 Shailaputri
It is a good read. Her floating in the sea and him noticing her..everything is cute. Although Nick - her ex deserves some kind of pain in the plot..that is not there as he is not projected as main character. But it is a light weighted story. like it.
7/27/2015 c1 DragonOwl
I really enjoyed reading this, and I loved your characters so much! I love Regan's sarcastic attitude and Will's grumpiness, and both if them together are adorable :) thank you for such a great story - I'm sure I will read it again!
6/25/2015 c1 xEchoxInfernox
Cute :)
8/3/2014 c1 BlackHare9
aahhhh so cuuuuuute
6/27/2013 c1 1DuchessYappingDog
Oh so cute. I should go to the beach more. hahahahhaha.
12/15/2012 c1 Guest
"how Edward Cullen of you" lol really cute story!
11/13/2012 c1 1Giulietta Tolomei
Aw! Stupid Nick. This is amazing! The length is perfect. Oh my god! I wanted more! LOVE IT!
9/13/2012 c1 flunkybubbleshorts
Wow that was so much fun :)
I think you successfully avoided any cliche-type potholes with your brilliant writing style.
The characters (and the supporting characters) were great (and well thought-of).
Lovely :)
8/9/2012 c1 MEG0205
Loved it! Cute story!
Megan :)
6/9/2012 c1 dreeming
Oh, so cute! I love the pace throughout.
3/20/2012 c1 8theKnobblyKneedWriter
Haha :) I adore this
1/27/2012 c1 Anjelica
I find that this story is eerily similar to my own life. I am extremely freaked out.. Minus the three supporting hot male friend of the lead male, this is my life.
1/13/2012 c1 2artistic dreamer
this was so cute! i loved it! and i love Will! i find him so adorable despite his ...strange personality hahahah maybe you can do spin offs on the other characters? heheh that would be awesome too! lol
1/13/2012 c1 2asianinvasion0530
Wow I was actually really impressed by this one-shot, which is pretty unexpected for me. The pace of the story/development of the romance was just really believable and was definitely helped by the wonderful characterization, especially of Regan. Also there were almost no grammatical/typographical errors which always is a plus.

So yeah, brilliant job and I definitely think I'll be checking out your other fics! =]
1/13/2012 c1 2HoPELeSS.RoMaNTiiC
Ahhh, what a beautiful story! I loved the characterisations, the pace, the plot, lets just say I loved everything! Great job.
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