Just In
for Kill Em With Kindness

7/10/2012 c31 Cassandra Elizabeth
I am amazed as to how she keeps on denying him. But then again she doesn't want to accept the fact that he wants her and not Vanessa. It will be interesting to see what happens next chapter...
7/5/2012 c30 Mazarine
oooooooh took you forever :( but really good and worth the wait :D NO MORE LAZINESS that's only for me BWAHAHAHAHAHA
5/26/2012 c29 Mazarine
;( so

5/23/2012 c29 41chewychester
I'm figuring they have got to work this out, but he runs hot when she runs cold and vice cersa. Ugh!
5/23/2012 c29 Princess97
Good boy! That's what a perfect guy ought to do. Now, whatever happened to his relationship to Vanessa? I hope he found out that she's a manipulating, conniving meanie and he broke off all ties with her. Who's tommy by the way?
5/21/2012 c28 Princess97
I was expecting him. But how could he say that when she clearly slapped poor Matthew?
5/3/2012 c26 Mazarine
nice chapter! I hope Vanessa gets what's she asking for! lol nice job
5/2/2012 c26 Cassandra Elizabeth
I cannot believe that she is running away again. Although I have to say that:

A) I am not surprised by this. She does seem the type in which if you push her so far then she'll just snap and totally zone out.

B) I actually think that she made the right decision. But then again I am exactly like that and I tend to just run away as well. But I do think that if the world gets you that mad and just angry then you have every right to just say "f" this and walk away.

C) Although she is running away she should obviously has to grow up and be a big girl and face the music.

4/24/2012 c25 Princess97
Korra as in the avatar and all? YES! I loved the old series. This ones ok. Not bad.

As for your story: Can you possibly make the accident a little clearer? How did Vanessa get hurt if she was on the floor begging Micheal?
4/24/2012 c1 Guest
I only started reading this just as I was trying to sleep last night. Guess what, I didn't sleep. I literally couldn't put it down. Thanks for writing something so heart wrenching, suspenseful and engaging. I can't wait for further updates.

Btw, I can totally understand the whole my bf is too nice to everyone n doesn't have his priorities straight thing :( let's hope things work out
4/24/2012 c25 Cassandra Elizabeth
I am really starting to see how Vanessa would get mad at Michael for being nice to people. He needs to get his priorities straight and figure out who is important to him.

4/21/2012 c24 Mazarine
nice lol very climaxy :P
4/18/2012 c24 chewychester
I like the date they set . ;P
4/18/2012 c18 sleepyloner
Hey I'm a new reader! I'm glad I click updated stories and stumble upon yours! I'm a fan now! Woohoo! :D
4/18/2012 c24 Cassandra Elizabeth
Oh, she's back and she probably wants Michael and is trying to cling onto him. Great! Wonderful! Hopefully she wont freak out.

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