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for Kill Em With Kindness

4/18/2012 c3 thisaccountnolongerinuse
I actually like how she introduces herself as 'Heather Joanne Crawfield' - it has a romance-writer ring to it : )
4/18/2012 c2 thisaccountnolongerinuse
Maria is certainly a character!

First impression of 'Eggman'? He's a bit of a mystery to me - trying to reconcile his polite demeanor with the sounds coming from his apartment... well, you've certainly got me hooked. : )
4/18/2012 c1 thisaccountnolongerinuse
I really like your lead character, she's very relatable. It's very funny. Good job : )
4/12/2012 c23 Cassandra Elizabeth
So glad that we are finally going somewhere with this story with their relationship. I am really glad that they are "dating' now...
4/12/2012 c23 Mazarine
Wow! i totally loved what you did with this story this took me the better part of three days to complete. i wanted to read it all before reviewing :P Great job please keep it up!
4/11/2012 c23 41chewychester
That'll do for some starter kissing. ;P
4/4/2012 c10 Joiya
I like the end part where Heather talks about how she's offended that Micheal didn't take advantage of her offer. I also feel that way, whenever I offer someone something, I feel offended if they don't take it! Especially food that I made! D:
4/3/2012 c22 Cassandra Elizabeth
And applause! Yay! Michael finally mans up and kisses her! Wonder where this will go from here? Will she overreact and "hate" him for it or will she revel in it?

4/3/2012 c22 chewychester
Yes, yes, yes...cheers them on! :D
3/29/2012 c21 chewychester
By the end of the chapter I was thinking, thank goodness Michael is there for her.
3/29/2012 c21 conti siegel
update soon!
3/21/2012 c20 chewychester
But, bbut, she has him all wrong, right?
3/14/2012 c9 Joiya
I don't get why they (Vanessa and Micheal) have to talk about anything to Heather. I don't see what could be more to it, than just a simple apology. And definitely if I liked some guy and I knew he had a girlfriend, I wouldn't want to see his girlfriend! You know, this Micheal guy has a real empathy problem. He can't realize what others are feeling. He has sympathy, but not empathy. Also, why does she think just cuz he was outside on the Balcony means anything? He couldn't possibly know when she returns home, she could have came home already for all he knows, right? And also, 40 degrees is not THAT cold yah Floridian LOL. It's cold, but not ice cube cold.
3/14/2012 c8 Joiya
I don't think she's known him long enough to "love" him. But she definitely likes him. But I'm suprised that Vanessa chick hasn't broken up wit Micheal already. I mean if your man is going to dinner with another woman? How could she take that?
3/10/2012 c7 Joiya
Jewish isn't a language silly lol Hebrew is the language of the Jews, but even then most of them don't speak Hebrew, they speak the language of the country they were born. Lol I can't wait until she takes him to dinner! Maybe he'll have broken up with his gf by then! Lol
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