Just In
for Courting Chaos

12/15/2012 c15 Guest
Lovely story! And the fact that the wedding was in Rivera Maya makes it even better! :) I went to Rivera Maya two times already and felt in love with it instantly and always imagined a beautiful wedding there in the beach...
You are a good writer :)
BoysInBooksAreAlwaysBetter ;)
12/11/2012 c1 7LoveAlways03
Why this doesn't have more reviews is beyond me! I have read one chapter and already know I'll be spending the rest of my night reading this instead of going to bed...even though I have to be up in like four hours! This will be worth it! Great first chapter! Excited for more! :)
12/3/2012 c15 Bubbly Girl
Aww! We all need fluff in our lives! :)
Peace, Love and Happiness! :)
Bubbly Girl
11/23/2012 c15 8LizASmith
Wow! LOVED the story. You are really talented at this! Please continue writing! :)
11/5/2012 c15 SemiPrecious
I'm sorry I cant log in so I know you can't reply to me but i just wanted to tell you how amazing your story is. You're a really brilliant writer and i enjoyed this so much I've sat and read it instead of doing my A-level maths work. Damn you :P. Anyway, well done, amazing story x
10/25/2012 c15 1LoveAntiquity
Adorable :) I'm so glad that you wrote an epilogue for their wedding, I don't think it could have been brought together in a more beautiful, fluffy way! And I love your characters, they're wonderful.
Keep on writing and thank you for sharing!
9/28/2012 c15 Anaeli
Beautifull! I kinda wish it was longer but its great as it is! Keep writing!
9/20/2012 c15 3sora kinomoto
So sweet! Loved it!
9/10/2012 c14 Guest
This was super cute
9/7/2012 c15 JustAnotherLibroLover
So. Freaking. Cute! Great ending for a great story :-)
9/2/2012 c15 Jodes101
Absolutely lovely. I have nothing else to say.
9/2/2012 c12 Jodes101
I was surprised but now that I know it I shouldnt have been and thats what make it really good. Well done.
9/2/2012 c11 Guest
I need to hang out in Sheridan bars complaining how I can't afford a ring. This is a good bit of angst to work through, I like it.
9/2/2012 c9 Jodes101
Great chapter. Can't stop reading and I really must go to sleep.

phallic perihelia (I think you mean paraphenalia) a couple of errors that can't be picked up by spell check.
9/2/2012 c8 Jodes101
I love that Aaron is portrayed as a normal mortal with emotions and not some arrogant adonis who has panty dropping super powers.
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