Just In
for Shadow

2/5/2012 c1 118Thenardier
I could see why you had difficulty with titling this, but I believe the elusiveness of what you're trying to describe enhances this greatly. Loved it.
1/18/2012 c1 Snehal ThinkingHeart
Hey Equation(3M's.2R's) ;)

write and write,

you are a gem on a tide,

let not waves mislead you,

for the land is in sight!

Hi I dropped in as promised. :) Great place you have built. :) and this piece is just awesome. :) :) :) :)


Excuse me while I scour further for other gems. EEks am digging gold. will you buy please half of it? THe words you can. I would want to keep the after taste and the meanings for they are priceless. :) :)
1/4/2012 c1 8Dark Blue Lover
Once again pretty short, but brings a clear image to mind, and "shadow" makes absolute sense. ^^ I like this one! :)

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