Just In
for Her Name

6/5/2012 c1 Ari Elisa
Wow...I was speechless!

I mean, yes, the irony of life and how crazy twisted it is. Perhaps if he would have been more arresting and asked her for done coffee, she would be alive!

Thanks for the read!
3/13/2012 c1 2I'll remember you this way
My goodness...

It's very sad. I read it again for good measure, and you really did a nice job with the tragedy here.

I'm amazed at how well you developed the characters in your short little piece here. The characters you created are multilayered for such a short story. I commend you!

Now I really want to know her name, which is why you must continue writing. I want more, and my wants should always be complied to.
1/17/2012 c1 2katypanko
aww the ending was so sad. but this was very cute story! ^^

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