Just In
for Change of Heart

7/10/2022 c1 knockmeoffmyfeet
Hello there! I would like to invite you to join our platform to present a good quality story to our readers! Send me a message if this offer piqued your interest!
4/20/2016 c17 dheepi
Just luvd dis storyyyy... No wrdzz.. Plz update soon (:
12/25/2015 c17 4Leasah
Oh god, this I am so glad that Rylie could cry it all out on Taylor's shoulder. She really needed to get that out of her. I also liked Taylor actually talking to her about how she and Colton can't be just friends. I'm so curious about when Rylie will be brave enough to admit to herself that she likes Colton.
11/20/2015 c14 ashleah.chamberlain
This is really good, I can relate to the things that is going on with the main character. I like the way Colton is and unfortunately I dated a guy like Dillyn. A friend of mine warned me and now I have a boyfriend like Colton. I am very interested to see what happens ext.
7/3/2015 c13 True Talker
I am most definitely into reading this. Thank you for writing this. (:
7/3/2015 c13 Leasah
Oh my, is he really going to tell her?
I'm so curious! Nice cliffhanger, haha.
Thanks for the update!
7/3/2015 c13 KimberleySacha
Aww...he really gonna tell her..!?
7/3/2015 c13 3KLV.Me
Oh darn! I love this story! I finished all 13 chapters in one go. You're an awesome writer lad. You keep the excitement coming and I can hardly wait for the next update!
PS. A guy like Colton is a dream, that hardly comes true.
Anyways, best of luck. :)
6/30/2015 c12 KimberleySacha
Aww these two are sweet as...
hope they have a good game! :D
please update soon! :)
6/30/2015 c12 4Leasah
You really know how to make the excitement contagious. I'm feeling it! I hope they win.
Love the quick updates. :)
6/29/2015 c12 True Talker
I like the idea behind the rings. And I like that they both care for each other and that he is there for her. It is sweet to read how much that he likes her hugs. Thank you for sharing this and yes I am into reading this.
6/29/2015 c11 Leasah
Oh, you are indeed evil for keeping the anticipation high. Haha ;)
I'm liking how everybody else around Rylie has the situation kind of figured out, but she's still a bit clueless...I mean, I think there's something there in her that feels more for Colton than she thinks, but she doesn't realize it because for her it's banal. Like she's had it for too long to even realize what it is. I think. If that makes sense...
Loved the chapter. Thank you!
6/29/2015 c11 True Talker
I am still into reading this. And your author's note made me smile and laugh inside. Thank you for that. (:
6/29/2015 c10 KSH
Awww...that must be tough shit for Colton...
so...will Dylan hurt Rylie..?
please update soon! :D
6/29/2015 c10 Leasah
I am so worried for Rylie. Poor Colton. I really hope this turns out well.
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