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for The Girl is Mine

8/27/2020 c2 1Karissa19
Update please! Read this years ago and came back to reread it and most of it's gone. This was such a great story back then already cant wait to see how the updated version will be
3/10/2020 c1 Guest
5/11/2019 c2 Alizah
I need you to update the chapters soon. Please! I missed your work. Glad you came around.
12/7/2018 c41 ravital50
I read this story for the first time 2years ago and a week ago I remembered it and reread it all over again
It’s one of my fav stories here on fictionpress pls update it
8/19/2018 c40 Elish
Really? Did It Have To Be That Heart Breaking After All Those Chapters
7/15/2018 c41 Stunnamac
omg pls post anything i’ll read it. holy moly i miss this story
6/30/2018 c41 JordaanBoo
just read all of this for the first time - so glad you plan to add to it! can’t wait for a new chapter
6/20/2018 c41 The OG
A new chapter first would be awesome.
6/20/2018 c41 Lucie
Hey! Just wanted to say that I used to read this story back in the old times of 4 years ago and I thought it was really really good then! Pretty sure I was obsessed so I wouldn’t be so hard on yourself. Think I used to comment with the username “dwarf person” but can’t remember haha! Anyway, don’t give up and remember it was a really good load of writing! I can remember being so excited for each new chapter. I hope you sort it the way you want it but it’s honestly good regardless. Much love xx
6/21/2018 c41 6dwarfperson
I tried to review as a guest but not sure if it went through or not - it’s crazy that 4 years have passed since I followed this obsessively, finding the notification email saying it had been updated was so surreal! You definitely shouldn’t be too hard on yourself, I just spent the last day and a bit re-reading the whole story and I still like it just as much as I did 4 years ago. I keep picturing ways it could be turned into a tv show or movie or something it’s so strange. What’s more strange is seeing my old reviews, definitely too many exclamation marks. Reading your note feels strangely like catching up with an old friend, I will forever be a fan of this story. Much love
6/20/2018 c41 3CelestialNympho
Oh My God! It has been approximately 4years ago that I was an active reader here. And I suddenly got the notification, I rarely get notifications for this site since most stories I followed discontinued or finished. But anyway, I remember this story. I totally get the Facebook analogy, I checked my earliest posts and decided right then to delete the entire thing. But I'm glad you didn't feel like doing that with this story. I'm really interested in how you will continue this. All the best. I'll be reading.
6/19/2018 c40 invincibleironman
so me and my friend have been religiously following this story for years waiting for t to update i love cheesy stories and she usually hates when i make her read them but she really loved this story we both lost hope it would ever update the very first time we found it but then one day i opened my email and there it was an update! after so long it was like being in the desert driven mad by thirst and finding a beautiful oasis with clear cool water and then it wasn't updated for a really long time once more as someone who also writes i know the struggle of writer's block very well but both me and my friend are really praying you may be able to update sometime again if not I'd just like to say your work is amazing
8/14/2017 c40 Guest
Please finish this!
6/5/2017 c40 suzanne britney
wooooow!i just dont know what say but what i know is that this is fabulous jeeeeez,,,but please i beg i beg dont tell me this story ends in this chapter coz i cant imgn this break up not having a me some chapters am already séeing my self ni milla's to you writer
12/23/2015 c40 Guest
When is the nxt update please..
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