Just In
for Celestial Reign: Baying for the Moon

2/13/2012 c3 psychotic-cat17
I think it's adorable that Mei and Yu get all googly-eyed when Ileana draws out her weapons. The chase scene was quite exciting, and I like the fact that Xol doesn't hesitate to kill when her tribe or mate are in danger. And I was so hoping that you would bring Ileana's mother back from the first book since she was the one parent that actually cared about her children. I can't wait to read how the reunion goes, or what that curse you mentioned is about.

Thanks for writing.
2/12/2012 c3 MagicalInsanity
... The tattoo question is still there, then again, standing at the carriage's roof she wouldn't have use for a flaming right leg... She'll get the left burning hand, but that still doesn't make sure it's because of the tattoos...

I'm going to drown n a glass of water at this rate, xD @@

I do feel kind of smug and cool and all that seeing that my money was 50% on the right bet, x3

I am incredibly proud of myself for this, X3

Other than that, the story is shaping up smoothly, I'm loving their interaction, their banter, and their overall getting on each other's nerves xD

Although I do wonder about the elder's place in the carriage...

Wiii! Family time, :D I really hope Lucia is the same... I'm getting all fidgety about it, x3
2/10/2012 c2 Kitmaro
Glad to see these two again. Looks like it's true that insects don't die easy. Although calling ol' Vlad an insect is an insult to bugs eh? Till next time.
2/7/2012 c2 Greek Chorus
Love the details of Ileana's and Xol's relationship. Miss Olga is also quite an intriguing character. Can't wait to see how they get away, where they go, and what they do next. Thanks for the enjoyable update.
2/6/2012 c2 psychotic-cat17
I really love the way you describe Xol's animal-like features; her fox ears, feline tail, and how she purrs when with Ileana. I must say that when I first read this, I was surprised that they were just going to try to escape without trying to talk Vladimir into accepting them because I perceive these two as so strong, but then I remembered how intolerant the king was in the first story.

Thanks for writing.
2/5/2012 c2 Anon723723723
This was so adorable...then s*** got real. Ouch.

Can't wait for next week!
2/5/2012 c2 MagicalInsanity
... I walked in a circle in my room, chanting OMG over and over and over again...


Please update it soon, @@ I gotta breath and calm myself, and...

I want to read the next chapter already, ;_;
2/4/2012 c1 Affair


Okay. Now that's over, I'm back from my original story hiatus and spazzing. I love how Xin is the normal god and has to stop them from fighting :)

2/1/2012 c1 MagicalInsanity
I am rejoiced for the sequel; I loved the first one, and this one promises thrill once again. It also offers an explanation as to why certain things had happened in the first one. Damn! I'm exited, and I don't think Sunday can come soon enough!

It's thrilling and promising, albeit short, but I do believe any more information would only spoil the narrative and the flow.

Of course, I may be biased, being one of your followers/worshipers so of course I believe your work to be incredible.

I've been happy to hear that the sequel was out, x3 3 you make me happy, :3

1/30/2012 c1 Greek Chorus
Wow! So happy to see the follow-up story to Tears of the Sun. I really enjoyed the mythology intro. Thanks for continuing the adventures of Xol, Ileana, and the rest of the troops.
1/30/2012 c1 Spalooza
I'm glad there is a sequel up and I'm excited for more to come, even though it only comes once a week. I sometimes wonder do you finish your stories before you publish them? or do you get to a certain point and then publish, continuing to write along the way?

Anyways, great job!
1/30/2012 c1 Biodragon
Oh cool this world is getting another story, sweet.
1/29/2012 c1 Anon723723723
Yay! I've been dying to see a sequal! Please continue!
1/29/2012 c1 psychotic-cat17
I am so excited to see this story being posted! I like how you start this story like the last, with a little story about the gods who created the races. I will anxiously be awaiting Sundays for the foreseeable future.

Thanks for writing.
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