Just In
for Love Lessons

10/31/2013 c1 5ZChan-Kerokero
I suggest adding more of the characters thoughts and feelings
Little bit...
1/3/2013 c6 2Facella
I really like your story. But it's all a bit rushed. And I think you could add in a bit more descriptions. There's mostly just dialogue and it makes it kind of hard to really relate to Noah. I mean, sure, it's horrible what he's going through, but how does he feel?
And PLEASE don't end this here. It wouldn't be satisfying at all! ;_;
3/25/2012 c6 1sunny-california
keep it going it getting really good
3/24/2012 c6 4yaoi8808
3/7/2012 c5 16xXBladeXx9

Was NOT expecting that one right there. Wooo ._.

Definatelyyy looking forward to that next update. Wow /
3/7/2012 c2 CharlieTehUnicron
Amazeballs. (:
3/1/2012 c4 1Katie-apple-easy-mac
You have a great storyline although i think you could do more describing. If you need some help with the description you should try reading some other male on male stories so you can detail yours more.
2/29/2012 c4 71Subbie
it would be nice to have some sort of time line to start like, "few hours later or few weeks later" as it seems sorta jumpy, but Good job elsewise!
2/29/2012 c4 4Blank Papyrus
Oh snap. I can't believe he said that
2/24/2012 c3 1SiahXSiren
Omg. Last chap was was so sad! Story is heartbreaking. Update soon
2/23/2012 c3 71Subbie
Nice job, but you're right, way too short. Good job tho...

On the other hand, I'm having a helluva time uploading stuff, are you?
2/23/2012 c3 12Gimme Back My Pigeon
Aww man this is awesome. Update soon! I'm a fan :)

2/23/2012 c3 harrylover21
Nice work! I like this story!
2/21/2012 c2 16xXBladeXx9

This story...is beautiful. It really is ._. you had me giggling and gasping while reading this, its just..wow.

You just got yourself a dedicated reader, and if you need any help- any at all- just let me know and I'll be more than happy to help~

Keep up the awesome T_T
2/20/2012 c2 huh i dunno
So far, so good. :) Except, the chapter was a little short, but it was still interesting. I think it's funny how his client is in love with him. Can't wait for the next chapter
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