Just In
for Seventeen Pieces

7/25/2012 c15 Abbytjie
I like really like this one.
7/25/2012 c4 Abbytjie
I think this would be better if the 'you' in the last line was in italics.
7/25/2012 c3 Abbytjie
Funny and so true.
7/25/2012 c2 Abbytjie
I love the title of this one.
7/25/2012 c1 Abbytjie
Beautiful, I really like the message and the way you presented it. So true.
2/22/2012 c12 HistoryIsAwesome
I loved all of these, especially the last one. That's exactly what I think when I hear J.K. Rowling say she won't write another Harry Potter
2/17/2012 c7 13RedWineAndAmbien
I love every single piece of this. Keep writing. Amazing job...=D
2/13/2012 c1 167nickyO
dramatic in a good way.

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