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3/23/2012 c1 2Penned
Such a sad, beautiful story. I liked the twist of the mermaid, and I loved the lightening metaphor. Well done.
2/27/2012 c1 4katiegirl101199
Such a bittersweet story- I really liked it, though! I wasn't expecting her to be a mermaid, a nice twist. Very well written, too. Great writing :)
2/27/2012 c1 2Kohryu
whoa. all i can say is whoa. really really heartfelt. sad though, but also fullfilling at the same time in some weird way. love it though competely
2/25/2012 c1 Love Lee Person
i love the tragic story. it had the unexpected twist and turns but i wish there was a short sequel!
2/24/2012 c1 Supercallafragelisticexpealado
XP quit writing sad sh*t!

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