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for How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse

5/24 c10 6Darth Zannacross
Denial is a hell of a drug...long as it does not get you to join the zombies. But, Duff might drive things over the edge, we will see soon I guess?
5/22 c2 38Starart152
There is some good comedy with Duff struggling to survive the zombie apocalypse when things didn't get her way, except for the pizza. Unless the pizza is a lie. The group she joined in are a bunch of idiots, which is also a bit like her with how she acts and reacts to her predicaments until she took that zombie down somehow.
2/17/2022 c15 Amanda Hue
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4/14/2019 c9 6Darth Zannacross
Well, at least the Lord of the Lies smells better then the Lord of the Flies.

Bias as the world cup...Russia corrupting things around here to? Well, we will see where this branching off from the group will lead to, likely something even more insane.
4/14/2019 c1 38Starart152
This is a nice chapter to start the story of a zombie apocalypse in a strange way. With Bieber killing zombies with a flamethrowers among any weapons he could have picked.
As for the main characters, it was a nice way to present her, who she is and what he personality was. The death of her mother and sister really is affecting her in this chapter and it was nicely done.
4/13/2019 c8 6Darth Zannacross
Haha...Walter White's not going to come is he?

Well, since they survived the ambush guess not but we will see just how nasty this blond with hipster glasses can be.

Well another chapter overflowing with insanity, till next time.
4/12/2019 c7 Darth Zannacross
Been a while but back to action, with Lucas involved with the not so 007 mania lol. Well, Lucas got the gang fired up, we will see how long it lasts, and also see if he can keep his promise to wave more as well.
10/25/2018 c14 4Flivelle
'Maybe the zombie squad had made him immune to 'the hell is this shit' moments.'
'..Go trigger minorities somewhere else.'
*Fist bumps Butch*
Duff is such an annoying little moron but I like the way she thinks. All of them are so unique and I like that you don't confuse the personalities, that sirius buzniss me is impress
4/8/2017 c1 1Tomoyuki Tanaka
This is hilarious. This has to be one of the best humorous stories I've ever read on here. Oh boy, I can't stop laughing at all the jokes. This is awesome!
8/10/2016 c1 10TheFool0
Man your story is AMAZING! It was so utterly hilarious that in each and every chapter, I couldn't help but laugh like a madman! Please write more!
3/5/2016 c12 7WhiteDragone
This probably made me laugh more than it should have.
2/16/2016 c10 8RevoxDreamer
I never read comedy on this site, but... this is lit. I love your sense of humor; never had to pretend to laugh. This is a total breath of fresh air from the brooding, serious stuff I always pretend not to like that much so I don't seem immature. [beat of Gwen Stefani's 'Wind It Up'] Keep it up!
8/31/2015 c7 21Marina x Machina
Mission Impossible theme...
These characters are just wow.
8/31/2015 c6 Marina x Machina
Wow. That was a miraculous survival.
Wonder if some new organization will show the cause of this all?
8/31/2015 c5 Marina x Machina
...dragon shampoo?
That sounds awesome, where can I get some? I was born in the dragon year!
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