Just In
for Unstoppable

11/21/2021 c1 Otakuami
Haha I loved this. I never expected then to get together since he isn't even mentioned in the first part of the story but it made me realise how perfect those two are for each other since he's the only one who can handle her violence lol. I wonder how her best friend and Timothy got back together though. Would have loved some details there. The ending was icing on the cake, how they reacted to each other's situations was hilarious to see
12/27/2014 c1 2the story pickle
Coolio storio
10/27/2014 c1 bluethreads
I simply lovvvvvve this.
1/4/2014 c1 PenguinLover33
1/27/2013 c1 Shadowdawn199
Cool, Emma sounds like me. And someone who hates humans too? You are awesome. Unless you try to blow us all up. I want to transfer my body to a super cat's first! Love this.
11/28/2012 c1 Midnight-675
awwwwwww its so cute! emma sounds just like me...
10/17/2012 c1 4theblacksheepinme
I thought she would end up with timothy...
Ha... who knew? :))
9/6/2012 c1 6LittleLadyLoveless
This is super precious and I love it. Now I shall stalk your other writings.
8/14/2012 c1 Anna Lei
Hi there, just wanted to let you know that your story has been plagiarised over on . Link is www. fanfiction s/ 8424321 /1/Hidden_Feelings , I have already told the 'author' to take it down, as she has also been plagiarising many other fictionpress authors
7/14/2012 c1 53Stephlikeswriting
haha very nice! I really liked Emma and her feistiness.
7/5/2012 c1 3starlit x sky
This was great, really funny - a brilliant story.
7/5/2012 c1 Guest
Liked it? I loved it! It was awesomeeeee, a really good read.
6/17/2012 c1 1redbluffit
Great story! I really enjoyed it.
5/21/2012 c1 AndreaAutumn
This story is amazing and hilarious. I love it! Hahaha
5/19/2012 c1 AC
Love this story! Absolutely hilarious.
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