Just In
for From Beginning To End

8/21/2012 c55 3xDangerousLovex
Awww. I cant believe its over! This is a sad day.
8/21/2012 c55 foxyricanlady
Please do the sequel. I wanna know more about them and their lives together.
8/21/2012 c55 3xbelivex
Please make a sequel!
8/21/2012 c55 2innoc3nc3cuti3
An amazing chapter. I especially like how you combine the past and the present into one chapter. Got to love Crystal and Jake's family. Looking forward to other stories written by you.
8/21/2012 c55 LadyBalacenia
Omgodomigodomigodomigod that was beautiful. No other words. Beautiful.
8/21/2012 c55 1ginger heart
Awww, this is all so sweet. I've loved reading this story a lot and I hope you'll write that sequel one day.
8/21/2012 c55 Mc Mac
Okay, I like the ending, but here's my opinion. I think the 'dream' should be real. Like, how can I explain this...


I think that Crystal really should move to LA. All the tabloid speculations and such should really happen. All the trials and tribulations that they have to go through, would make better in the second story. Us seeing Jake and Ayden's relationship bloom, us seeing Crystals regrets, us seeing the actual wedding after a long haul in LA. All of those things combined, can make the whole second story if you really think about it.

Everything you described in the dream, (which tugged at my heart) I couldn't help but find myself saying "Damn, I want to see this happen, not be told that it happened because it is her dream."

Really, you can bounce off the story into the next by showing it.

Overall, loved it! Couldn't wait for each of your updates. You're a very talented writer, and I absolutely see a bright writing future for you. Thank you for all of your reviews on my story as well. I hope you continue to read and and review as I consider your opinion valuable to me as a writer.
8/21/2012 c55 party enhancers r good 4 u
I cant believe its over :( jake riley till the end :D
8/21/2012 c55 smrae
I'm sad that it's over but you did a wonderful job on this story. Definitely one of my favorites and I can't wait to read more of your stories! I think the final chapter was perfect and the wedding was adorable. Again congrats on finishing!
8/21/2012 c55 devs
PS - what is SkoW? How do I vote?
8/21/2012 c55 devs
Beautiful! This is so good, you could get this published!
8/21/2012 c55 2GoNe RoGuE
Awww! It's finally over, I'm so sad about that but I could tell that it was time. I'm so happy that they had another child and I already adore Amber and will forever love the Riley family! This is a great story and one of my more favorites. I cannot believe that it's finally over though. I'm going to miss the daily updates and the continious story between two of my favorite fictional characters. Love like this is the reason people look for Mr. Right and want to get married. Because through all the bad, the good is so totally worth it. I'm so happy that I found this story and even if I hadn't I'm sure I would have looked into it anyways.
Hannah, your faithful reader
8/21/2012 c55 minee22
Beautiful ending! Great job!
8/21/2012 c55 2LunarRaven13
You should do the kids! That'd be awesome! We'd still get Crystal and Jake, but we'd also get the grown-up babies! SO sad. Did it really have to end? I really don't agree with the saying that all good things must come to an end. Can't wait for your next story!
8/21/2012 c54 28woodstock1969
Thank God. If they had danced around each other any longer I would have gone mental and started screaming at my computer screen. You've actually done a marvelous job capturing the hubris of human behavior that drives apart relationships. Well done.
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