Just In
for The Sailor's General Superior

6/19/2012 c20 1Sundavar
Go Cale! I hope the plan works out! And I'm really getting annoyed with the general now. How can he be so dense? I guess I should have a bit moe sympathy for him, but it's just so hard when I see Cale like this. Maybe I should be more exasperated with Cale since he would probably be able to solve all of this if only he would speak straight and plain to the general.

I'm also really worried about the ships now. :(

I hope everything turns out well! Thanks for updating! You are an amazing author, keep up the great work! Also, I'm sorry to hear you arent feeling well and I hope that you get better soon!
6/19/2012 c20 walnutsalmonds
Oh God, I hope Alim doesn't try to seduce Asotegi again. D: And Asotegi better not succumb to the seduction. Cale would be so heartbroken. :(
6/19/2012 c20 2NormaJean Beausoleil
i still loved it. i really want someone to hear cale's last line tho. maybe jara?

*tosses you emergency chocolate and multivitamins* i hope it gets better soon! *sends you positive energy waves*
6/19/2012 c20 3Sayure
I was waiting all day for this chapter, I even thought that there is no luck to have an update today- I mean yesterday- it's 5am right now- and I was like maybe the writer have a problem, maybe FP couldn't show the new chapter or I'm blind and I had to look in my fav and in the last update fictions also in your profile, and each time I felt heartbroken, well less than broken and more than disappointed. I even choose to go out when I didn't want to just so I let my tablet rests. This is how much I love this story.

Thank you for brightening my day :-)
6/19/2012 c20 6magnanimousSquirrel
So he finally admits he likes how he looks.
6/19/2012 c20 tmelange1
Hope you feel better! Thanks for the update!
6/16/2012 c19 3Shamalan Grey
I know Alim is a total ass but he's kind of growing on me...like mold.

6/16/2012 c19 tmelange1
Great continuation! This was a nice long chapter, and I was impressed with how you were able to convey everyone's emotions while still remaining in Calentine's POV. Very difficult, but you handled it like a pro. Bravo!
6/15/2012 c19 4jammi
I have really been enjoying this story. I don't know why it's taken me this long to review but I have to say that I love the characters and the world and the consistency.

I especially love the way everyone interacts and how their personalities mesh and at the same time conflict because they're not speaking to each other because they're scared of hurting the other or don't understand their culture.
6/15/2012 c19 The Roobie Monster
so much fluff that i don't know what to do T-T also i hope you're not serious about the rating jumping down to G in the next couple chapters XD cuz cmon, think of paraz! the poor thing's sure to explode from sexual frustration if you do that! hehe oh and more chappies please :)
6/15/2012 c19 Chibikodo
This chapter! I don't even know where to start. Calentine died and was brought back to life? Is that even possible? Or was he just near death? I have more respect for Alim now. And Asotegi! Finding out about why things sometimes get awkward between him and Cale- definite 'aww that's so cute' moment.

Looking forward to the next chapter! :D
6/15/2012 c19 Mieu-san
This story remains a stupendous reason to actually check my emails! Can't wait for Tuesday, and if it's any help, your editing most certainly pays off. Can't wait to see what comes next!
6/15/2012 c19 Starlette420
i must say, this was kind of sad. poor poor calentine! :( rating jump? g? noooo needs to jump to M ;)
6/15/2012 c19 3Sayure
You make me smile each time I find a new chapter, and this comment is before I even read the new one :-)
6/15/2012 c19 1Sundavar
I'm really relieved that Cale is going to be okay. I'm actually starting to feel bad of Alim... Well, I've felt bad for Alim for a while now. I really hope that everyone gets their happy ending, even him.

Thanks for updating! You are an amazing writer, keep up the great work!
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