Just In
for The Sailor's General Superior

9/18/2017 c21 spoonring
Oh yes yes yes so good! I love everything so much and I'm so glad I found this story!
9/18/2017 c20 spoonring
So happy it went well and Cale admitted he thought paraz is attractive. Finally!
Damn alim tho!
9/18/2017 c19 spoonring
Jesus that was intense!
9/18/2017 c18 spoonring
Omg wasnt expecting Cale to suddenly get nearly beaten to death.
9/18/2017 c17 spoonring
Oh man so good!
9/17/2017 c16 spoonring
Woah the new power is so cool!
Also, Cale is starting to get attracted to him yay!
9/17/2017 c15 spoonring
So good. Amazing writing.
9/17/2017 c14 spoonring
9/17/2017 c13 spoonring
Alim haaa I died!
Nice history told. Lol the song.
9/17/2017 c12 spoonring
Omg! He thinks Cale and Jara are in love? Omg!
Anyways, ha, the plan was a success! And Cale got to see family and sailors.
Omg alim! That lil shit!
Ha, can't wait to read the sailors impression of how the dzali fight.
9/17/2017 c11 spoonring
9/17/2017 c10 spoonring
Really great! Cale is going to cause great changes to happen, I just know it!
9/17/2017 c9 spoonring
Really great learning all this new stuff about their culture. I think their relationship is improving!
9/17/2017 c8 spoonring
Cute! Strange culture.
9/17/2017 c7 spoonring
Oh boy their relationship is not going so well.
Love Jara. Cool city.
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