Just In
for The Sailor's General Superior

4/14/2012 c3 31emptyword
I'm cackling, still cackling. At this rate, I'll look in the mirror tomorrow and find myself green-faced, slit-eyed, and adorned with a pointy hat and aerodynamic broom. Hm, maybe I should work on this unholy glee over poor Cale's situation.

"there was one mage whose focus was a hide ball" - This sent me off into giggles because no matter which angle I considered, "hide ball" must be an inanimate object.

Also, is it wrong of me to be terribly, terribly fond of Alim? I have a soft spot for the grouchies in a story, and dear Alim must be so horribly jealous of Cale. I really like that he continues to be rude and abrasive toward Cale even after his, er, Soulbrother-slash-hunt-partner(-and-love-of-his-life-rather-than-stepping-stone-for-his-ambition-pretty-please?) nearly killed him for insulting Cale only the night before. Though it does beg the question: would he have acted any different if his General were in the room?

I am so excited for this story. I'm very curious how you came up with the opening concept. Really, I'd just like to camp out in your head someday. Happy writing!
4/14/2012 c1 emptyword
I forget how fabulous your writing is.

"The silence between us is as uncomfortable as waking up wet in a pig sty." - XDDD Oh, the analogies sprinkled all over. I cackle over each one. But not just your analogies. EVERYTHING is so entertaining. Love the narrative voice, the direction of the story, the insanely extensive yet gloriously delectable world-building that comes part and parcel with your stories.

This is such a wonderful read. I Cheshire-grinned my entire way through. Nothing could possibly make this any better. Except, perhaps, chocolate.
4/14/2012 c3 Jaded Devil
Wow, I'm really enjoying what you've written so far! I have so many questions in my head, but I have a feeling that the answers will be revealed in the coming chapters. I'm looking forward to the next update!
4/12/2012 c3 Anonymous
Pacate is now my new OTP haha :) wonderful story with wonderfully long chapters and a wonderful setting and wonderful characters... Marry meeee so I can have your brainchildren pleaaaasssee
4/11/2012 c3 Chibikodo
Haha our dear protagonist is in a real predicament. Whatever can be done? Can't wait to read the next chapter.
4/11/2012 c3 Beej
You are amazing, and I love your brain!

I cant wait till you update again... Actually, Im kinda annoyed at myself for starting this when you've only just begun, cos now I cant read your whole story in one go :(

But! I will be a patient and faithful reader, even if I dont review every chapter!

4/10/2012 c3 AsiaLisek
This grows more and more awkward for poor Cal,

4/10/2012 c3 hikko48
hallelujah and thx for the update! looking forward 2 more nxt time :3
4/10/2012 c3 Arillian
I feel a little drunk on this story. Can't get it out of my head. When I saw you updated I stayed up to readed though I really should've gone to bed by now. Oh well. This story rocks. It was so worth it, ha!
4/9/2012 c2 Arillian
I've just found this story and I must say I adore it. It's so very original and different. I love the strange people, the complex sociaty and overal feel to the world you've created. I can't wait to read more of it. Just wow 3
4/8/2012 c2 grinning rabid squirrel
More please so good
4/5/2012 c2 walnutsalmonds
No need to write battle scenes if you don't want to, unless they're crucial to the story or something. ;)
4/5/2012 c1 iceramystisdabomb
thank you thank you thank you for writing this, im so happy youre getting back into writing fp stories! and im a total sucker for these kinds of fics, so im super excited to read more(:
4/5/2012 c2 Evina
Eeee, loved it. What a prickly situation they're in; I can't wait to see how they're going to get along once Cale finishes convalescing.
4/2/2012 c1 AsiaLisek
, ~~~~~

oh yes yes, please,

doooo continue~ :D
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