Just In
for The Wild Ones

7/5/2022 c1 knockmeoffmyfeet
Hello! I would like to invite you to join our platform to present a good quality story to our readers! Send me a message if this offer piqued your interest!
2/20/2019 c36 Mrs. Awesomesauceness
Hopefully, you keep writing! I love this story!
8/31/2018 c34 andthemusicshigh
loved the chapter as always! So excited to see what happens next! When's the next update?
12/22/2017 c26 Acie
Please update
12/22/2017 c26 Guest
And you disappeared for three years
8/7/2015 c26 3nlori1234
Awww, I love it! Brent and Candace are so cute! :D
8/6/2015 c26 zzzeus11
This is amazing, i am really enjoying it. please continue!
8/6/2015 c26 annayh44
Awww~~ Cant they stop being so lovely dovely hahahaha Ice & Cream ahh I love Ice Cream xD Cant wait to for next chappy~~~ Updateeeeee sooon plzzzzZz
8/6/2015 c23 annayh44
O jeez i will die laughing ~ how can they be soooooooooooo cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and funny at same time~~ Angel Kyle hahaha
8/6/2015 c26 KimberleySacha
This story is totally awesome!
Im hooked! I think Candace is such a sweet person...and Naomi has turned out nicer too :D
please update soon! :)
8/6/2015 c3 annayh44
OMG! What is she? Jeez Excitement running in my nerves~~!
8/5/2015 c26 6Van Quatra
gotta fix chap 26 its hard to read
8/5/2015 c26 3Serenity G
7/12/2013 c25 andthemusicshigh
Please update soon! Can't wait to see what happens!
11/11/2012 c25 3CurryBunChan
updaatteeee cha leavin me hangin here!
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