Just In
for Of Cute Boys and Boarding Schools

10/5/2013 c9 Guest
Its good... but I won't fave okay? So its like, meh.
7/6/2012 c9 hearts a heavy burden x
I liked this chapter alot.
I like evan he seems nice. I liked what Mollie wrote about him it made me chuckle. Please update soon x
6/22/2012 c9 9writersdream72
So far, the story is cute. I hope that Mollie finds a guy soon to date that she really likes. Update soon.
6/22/2012 c9 Anna Macon
I like your story so much! Like, I want to dance randomly and stuffies now 'cause its got that whole new smell, rough around the edges likeness about it. Um... I hope you could understand what I just said. XD Hehe, how's that for not getting reviews? Now for the epic Ebony sign off:

Love/hate me, either way you're thinking about me... Chocolate bunnies!
6/21/2012 c9 8Luna1415
Ooh!Important chapter,huh?Coolness!
6/15/2012 c8 Luna1415
I like this chapter...As always. XD Keep on updating girl!
6/13/2012 c8 1tazointhemiddle
yay, an update! really cute chapter, but a short :(. cant wait 4 more!
6/12/2012 c6 LizzieLongbourn11
I really like this story; I can't wait to see what happens next!
6/11/2012 c7 8Luna1415
Hee hee! I can't wait for the next chapter!And don't feel bad girl,I do the same thing.
6/11/2012 c7 hearts a heavy burden x
Good chapter. I like how her and xander are friends after their crappy kiss. Update soon!
5/30/2012 c6 Luna1415
Ah,finally!I caught up with the story! Continue on,I wanna read more!
5/10/2012 c5 hearts a heavy burden x
good chapter. its funny how to get them to go she had to persuade them
5/7/2012 c4 sonja solorio
wow, that was actually good. besides the comment at the end this story is turning out good:)now you have to help with my story, "Woodrow river". oooohh, maybe on time we could write a story together!:D that would be awesome! has anythig new happened with the evan saying we dated thing? what do you think that means that he told sam? i thought he would have just completly forgotten, i know i hav:) tell me what you think that means...pleazzzzzzz!:)
5/6/2012 c4 hearts a heavy burden x
good chapter,I liked it. Update soon.
5/4/2012 c1 Sonja SolorioD
this book is pretty good so far...i NEEEEEEDDD to know how Allegra got the bruises on her legs!:D
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