Just In
for a summer without you

10/9/2013 c1 75AlysonSerenaStone
Wow! You have a way with words! I really liked the layout of this poem. It was different, but maybe that's why I liked it so much. I loved the language you used-it was really impressive for a poem. Great work!
10/1/2013 c1 4everandalwaysme
Absolutely beautiful. I love the imagery and flow and it's just so wonderfully crafted. Just...argh. I also loved the fact that I understood what you said. Unlike with some of these authors that expect you to comprehend their maze-like poems. It's awesome.
9/26/2013 c1 18FreekyDisaster18
Hey, I am here to share some exciting news. This story has been added to the poetry category on A Drop of Romeo! :)

Here's the Review:

"Helen Thinks: The first thing I notice about any poem that lands in my suggestion box is the layout. I know, it is weird as poetry only ever seems to ever follow the straightforward layout and that is true of the poem “a summer without you” by his terrible beauty. However, the writer uses clever literary tricks such as brackets and one lined stanzas that breaks the poem up and makes it completely different. But despite this, it does not disturb the flow of the poem. Instead it adds to it. My most favourite thing about 'a summer without you' is that his terrible beauty's vocabulary is fantastic. Strong, powerful and yet dark words like “carcass” and “morsel” are used as a contrast to what could have been a fluffy love poem – and you all know I love something when it comes across as almost gritty. I envy his terrible beauty's writing skills and hope that you will all feel the same once you have checked this amazing piece of poetry out."

Keep Writing,

Helen xo

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