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for All You Wanted

1/27/2014 c4 hirokiri9
This is such a sweet little story. I hope you continue it. Makes me feel so good reading it. Can't wait to see how things turn out! Keep up the hard work! :D
12/6/2013 c4 2renegade01
Cadi is too cute for words ;-)
7/14/2013 c4 Christina
I really like what u have here! I really like the plot/ the story line! Please continue and update when possible!
7/13/2013 c4 lanae96
Yay ! An update ! I'm soo happy I literally did a happy dance when I saw it was an update for this story. I love Ezra & Cayson together :)
7/13/2013 c4 DarlingFaye
this story is so good! i hope ezra doesn't freak out when she tells him (ezra is my favorite guy name ever omg)
6/14/2013 c1 lanae96
Honestly miss this story soo much ! Please update this soon : )
4/21/2013 c3 ly
you cannot stop here, you have to go on! please il so love this plot
3/4/2013 c2 lanae96
I come & check this story everyday to see if its an update on it haha . I know its only 3 chapters but its really good . I'm eager to know what happens with Ezra & Cayson now : )
2/13/2013 c3 lanae96
I love the plot of this story ! I want them to be together . Love them ! Please update
12/26/2012 c1 Annamarie2010
I love what you are doing with this story. If you ever want to bounce around ideas or want someone to proof read for grammar or spelling I will gladly help.
12/17/2012 c3 Annamarie2010
I love this story please update soon.
12/5/2012 c3 10Nami98
LOVE IT! Please continue! :D
10/13/2012 c3 LY33
omg this is so goodddddddd how could you let it like that! i so love the plot! please consider updating this story! pretty please!
9/15/2012 c3 Nessa2099
Please continue this story I love please please updat soon this story rocks
9/7/2012 c3 AudreyLove
hey! so glad you updated this story, I really like it and hope you'll continue it! Thanks!
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