Just In
for Right Now

2/17/2013 c1 3Helliquin Glitch
You should continue this story!
1/1/2013 c1 Guest
Ahhhh that was incredible!
10/26/2012 c1 12polar.amity
Fuck. I forgot how much I love your writing. That dirty mouth gets me every time.
This was gorgeous. And, as much as I would love to see more, I think one-shots are highly underrated. I can’t figure out why, this story is a prime example of perfection: interesting plot, nice character development, outrageously sexy— and all in under 5,000 words. What more could I ask for?
Although I realize stories speak to us, if it wants to be more it will be, no matter what the readers vote for.
In the meantime thanks for the fun.
10/1/2012 c1 2Love U Te
Hahaaa That was Hawt! xD
8/9/2012 c1 E 330
Yes, please continue. :) I think you ended the story with a tiny cliff-hanger right there. The brother's still behind the door after all. Probably. And I want to know if Miles will actually act like the bastard he's supposed to be. I like your writing style by the way and your lemons are really good (which is rare). Though, in my experience, anal sex isn't as painful as you make it out to be. ;)
7/5/2012 c1 2PervertedPrincess
Heh, I really liked it ;D
I love the style of your writing too...it flows easily, I guess.
Also, I really was hoping this story would go on, because I think their personalies are all so different, you know?
Like, it has potential to be more than a one-shot...
anyways, thank you, and great job! :D
7/3/2012 c1 Seretei
That was pretty fun. Everyone had issues and I would definitely like to read more about them.
7/1/2012 c1 3Sayure
I liked Milles and I love to read more about him but is this just a one shot thing or what.
Well thanks for the work.
6/1/2012 c1 PuzzledApproach
this was really good, i hope u do add more to this and if u do... im sure there would be a three some in the future ;)
6/1/2012 c1 kissedbymidnight
Haha! You're really good at one-shots too. So damn talented. I'm jealous:) Anyway, yes I would like to hear more about these three. I want to know why Seth even cares. Is he jealous, protective, both?Will he ever figure it out?:) I also want to know if Tyler regrets it in the end. He seems to be enjoying it, but we didn't get his POV so maybe he's so hurt or sore in the end that he won't go near Miles ever again (doubtful, but you never know). Plus, does Seth walk in on them? I kind of want him too...but I guess I'm just perverted like that:) Anyway, there's so many things that would be fun to see with these three so I would love to see more of them if you feel like it or have more time:)
5/31/2012 c1 Untitled Absence
You always write the most psychotic characters, on both sides of the spectrum, and it's such a pleasure to read your work. I'm glad you took a moment out of your schedule to write this, it's a solid piece of work. I'm sure you could take this somewhere too, if you really wanted, but it's also just fine to make a really good one-shot that makes you want more and just leave it at that.

Good stuff!

Rubedo Jr.
5/24/2012 c1 18DollyMarie
Please write more of this. Miles is yummy.
5/22/2012 c1 Daneeno
I hope you continue to write more of this. I love these three characters,they fit together so well.
5/21/2012 c1 MeowGoesTheCow
Holy shit that was so hot . you should totally write more like these :3
5/21/2012 c1 2JDKlaus
OMG I loved this story! You have to keep it going. Way freaking hot!
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