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for I'm a girl in an All Boys School?

11/5/2016 c15 E.M. Grinstead
Can I ask why you've abondoned this story?
11/5/2016 c15 Guest
1/13/2016 c15 1Karissa19
Great story. Can't wait to know what happens. Please update soon.
5/1/2015 c1 kb
Great story! Keep up the good work you have lots of creative juices.
6/28/2014 c15 Bluebeary
THE MOST AWEOSMEST STORY EVER! :D And I would keep on reading, but there is nothing else to read! I NEEEEEEEEEEEED MOOOOOOOOORRRRREEEEE!
5/26/2014 c13 1Salvatores4ever
you should continue to write it
11/28/2013 c15 Salvatores4ever
very cool continue to write this story.
11/25/2013 c14 Salvatores4ever
please continue to write
3/31/2013 c15 JessiicaFox
Ehehe Lucas and Alexandra backstory I'm guessing? Please can they get together already I need that to happen :) I'm really enjoying this, can't wait 'til the next update!

- Fox
3/30/2013 c15 4Pandabearisnotabear
I loved this chapter! it was so funny! I couldn't stop laughing while I was reading it, especially on the last part!
Can't wait for you to upload again! Great job! ;)
3/28/2013 c14 lovelyjade
This story is absolutely AMAZING! I LOVED IT SO MUCH I finished it in one day please please please finish the story dont just leave your readers hanging!
3/27/2013 c14 1Azziepop
All a dream? Interesting,... I'm not sure i like this idea. It's killing me top not know who she is going to Ed up with! I need to know, personally Greg all the way!
3/25/2013 c14 qweester
Not to sound mean or anything,but can you please update soon. This is one of the best story i have read!
2/19/2013 c13 Guest
Oh and pleeeeeaaaaasssseeeee update soon!
2/19/2013 c13 Guest13
OMG! This is soooo good! I first really wanted Vincent and Alex to get together, but now I'm really happy that they are related! I was really upset though when Greg came into the picture and became Alex's boyfriend. Now I'm team Lucas and I really want to know what happens between Vince and Alex's dad and if she gets kidnapped Yada Yada Yada... anyway I think tht there should at one point be a really intense scene between Lucas and Alex when they make out or maybe even do it. This would be an interesting twist on the story and we could see how overly protective brother, Vince, would react.
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