Just In
for Wolfy Instincts

1/27/2013 c13 w3ardo
oh my god. well did not expect that...
im appalled that avery would avoid her like that! and that she didnt even call him or force him to see her earlier! hes sure to feel like shit now that shes gone...
awesome chappie :) sad to know the next one wont be out for a while though :(
1/27/2013 c13 1DeadlyKitten2021
WHAT THE HECK WHATS THE HECK WHAT THE HECK! Lolz need more now please ;P
1/27/2013 c13 1Angel Raksha Akasha Flame
I sympathize with you on your AP Exams. I have to take them too. I hhope you do well. Story's Awesome.
1/27/2013 c13 ChameleonRose
Still love this story. A bit annoyed at Avery for being a jerk about Jayda not telling him about her accident. I mean if I was her I probably wouldn't have told him either, I mean he would have flipped. And please tell me Avery saves Jayda before something really bad happen to her.
Also just to let you know I use to review as JA just set up an account so yea I'm still reviewing jut useing an account now.

Love your story so much.
1/26/2013 c13 x3bbyshortie
;( please update faster! such a good story but i hate the long wait!
1/26/2013 c13 211cina24
Great chapter! I loved the ending but kinda cknfused why avery didnt see her for that long. I thought he would have gotten over it or been unable to not see her since hes a werewolf.
1/26/2013 c13 chicagobabe
Aw, gosh! You had to leave me handgun here ): haha. Loved the chapter!
1/26/2013 c13 19bookppl93
Omg I loves this chapter. I'm starting to dislike Avery a little.. He's not being really nice
1/26/2013 c13 2the trash lord
Super long chapter! You made my day by posting this:) I almost don't mind the cliffie. Almost. Great job and update as soon as you can! :)
1/26/2013 c13 Guest
ex beta here..loved the chappie.. good job its getting better and the cliffie came out of nowhere. You are doing very well with these. Congrats
1/26/2013 c13 4purple-wolf-howl
Wow that was unexpected! First Kortney now the rogue! On top of that the Flu, yuck! Hope Avery can find her! Good luck on the AP tests and club! I bet the next update will be as awesome as this one!
1/26/2013 c13 lindimguni
Amazing chapter. Can Avery find out it was Kortney in the next chapter?
1/26/2013 c13 Nnnnnnn
Come on! You left it at the best part!
1/13/2013 c3 1Bryanna B
Wow, Avery's a creep. Gross.

Writing-wise, I like your style a lot. Very smooth and easy to follow.
1/12/2013 c12 2the trash lord
This is amazing! I love this story and I can't wait to read more!
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