5/31/2013 c17
Oh my god update please please please please please please ! My life depends on it PLEASE:)

Oh my god update please please please please please please ! My life depends on it PLEASE:)
5/31/2013 c16 Skittlesaholic1677
Omg please tell me they find her and Avery gives kenely a nice ass whooping.
Omg please tell me they find her and Avery gives kenely a nice ass whooping.
5/31/2013 c14 Skittlesaholic1677
Holy crap omg my heart just broke! I hope he finds them and (excuse my vulgar language) kicks their asses!
Holy crap omg my heart just broke! I hope he finds them and (excuse my vulgar language) kicks their asses!
5/31/2013 c9 Skittlesaholic1677
Lmfao I like this turn of events lol I'm excited to see what happens next!
Lmfao I like this turn of events lol I'm excited to see what happens next!
5/30/2013 c17
Oooh I am absolutely loving this story ;) It is just amazing! I REALLY hope they will be reunited soon! I love Darcy now haha. Just wondering, will they ever make love? I don't mind either way, just curious :) Please update soon!

Oooh I am absolutely loving this story ;) It is just amazing! I REALLY hope they will be reunited soon! I love Darcy now haha. Just wondering, will they ever make love? I don't mind either way, just curious :) Please update soon!
5/27/2013 c17 Dee
DAYUM. I started this story yesterday. HOW COULD YOU LEAVE ME LIKE THIS? I love this story so much. Hopefully, I won't wither away while you write the next chapter. You write this exceptionally well. UPDATE SOOOOOOOON.
DAYUM. I started this story yesterday. HOW COULD YOU LEAVE ME LIKE THIS? I love this story so much. Hopefully, I won't wither away while you write the next chapter. You write this exceptionally well. UPDATE SOOOOOOOON.
5/22/2013 c17 simplelove
OMG OMG OMG - AVERY! ahhh cant wait for the next chapter. Keep up the great work :)
OMG OMG OMG - AVERY! ahhh cant wait for the next chapter. Keep up the great work :)