Just In
for Lies, Spies, and Pumpkin Pies?

7/29/2013 c16 2AKJSNA
Great chapter! Update soon!
7/10/2013 c15 Guest
Keep going
1/5/2013 c13 jane
hi really liked your story so far, i'm an intj personality type as well like the characters in your story, i like the way you go off topic because then i dont skip lines because i am getting too bored of a story. keep it up !

1/5/2013 c10 1leavesfallingup
Just a heads-up: Chapters 8 and 9 (9 and 10 by fictionpress reckoning) are duplicates.
1/4/2013 c1 leavesfallingup
A fun and intriguing beginning
10/29/2012 c1 JaedeaLuminecent
This sounds intriguing- definitely more interesting than most st
10/10/2012 c10 9Binkybaby
Yeahhhhh update sooooon
9/2/2012 c9 2AKJSNA
Loved this chapter, keep it up:)
7/11/2012 c8 1Sarah1324
This is a great story. I love it! The plot is interesting and I wonder what is going to happen next. This is a pretty good story.

I do have a minor suggestion. You might try using less parenthesis. If it is important enough to put in the story, say it in a regular sentence.

Other than that, I love this story! Keep writing!

- Sarah1324

PS: I would be interested in being your Beta if the spot hasn't been filled alread.
7/11/2012 c5 Amy90
Since you were kind of saking for it... ;)
I speak better Englisch Ich spreche besser Englisch.
You are finally awake Du bist endlich wach! (Kids would never say "Sie" to each other. That's something you use adressing adults.)
"Guten Tag" good day (not afternoon), but of course in the mornings you'd say "Guten Morgen". But again, kids probably would just say "Hallo".

Anyway, I'm curious how the story goes on...
7/2/2012 c7 1surrendertomusic
Sounds pretty good so far! It's funny too, love it! :)
6/28/2012 c6 2AKJSNA
This has a very good start. I like the beginning and I find that the protagonsit is very likeable:)
She thinks how I would in that situation. I enjoy her lighthearted humour and the sarcasm:)
Keep on writing!
6/19/2012 c5 1teamastley101
i really like this :) please continue :)
6/4/2012 c2 Yellow Rose of the Briar
I'm liking this so far! It feels fresh and snarky!
5/31/2012 c1 11Lily94
I like this! It is a little short but it was an interesting read :) Write more!

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