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9/5/2015 c18 OscarJLaw
Tenley and Colton are so wonderful together.

my favorite couple on fictionpress .so lovely

I want one more story about them and their kids 3
7/25/2014 c18 3Brightheart
Loved this story!
9/20/2013 c18 3Unless-52
Okay...I've finally read the first story and finished this and it was AMAZING. I'm just going to do a review for both stories in this one because I'm just that lazy haha.. Well your character development was beautiful to me a lot of stories don't give good development and how a basic teen or adult would act in those types of situations...by the way the ending of chapter 15 was soo funny!(:
8/26/2013 c18 PurpleDinoPpl66
This story, the first one and this sequel, are probably the best pieces of writing I've read online.. its amazing! Keep on writing!
7/24/2013 c1 shjelm1
I enjoied the story, but readung tjis after the first book being first pov made it confusing to be honest i perfer first piv over third any story.
4/19/2013 c18 Not sure
Well, overall, I must say that I like your characters. The grammar is truly terrible at times, though, and that made it tough to get through. I like your overall story, even though it was tied together with a bow. But that's nice, sometimes. One thing that did reeeally bother me, though... If Benji is ten/almost eleven-unless I misunderstood- then the way he acts is totally unrealistic. I currently have an eleven-year-old boy in my family, and I know that he wouldn't splash kids, pout, call his mother "Mommy," and that ice cream wouldn't make anything better.. But that's just me. Other than that, I liked it. Looking forward to more about this couple in the Raine story! Thanks for posting.
4/17/2013 c18 Alex
I was really disappointed in this chapter. I just felt that you rushed it. Like why not show the proposal or the wedding or life with a new baby or even explain why they waited ten years before having a second child. I really have enjoyed this story, but this last chapter left short
4/16/2013 c18 lanae96
I loved it ! So sad its over though : (
4/16/2013 c18 Guest
So sad to see this story end, but absolutely LOVED it!
4/16/2013 c18 1Kcoarra
Omg! Its over noooooooo! I love Tenley and Colton they are one of my favorite couples I have read about. I enjoyed this story soooo much and I can't wait for to read about Raine!
4/16/2013 c18 Guest
I really loved the ending! Tenley and Colton are my favorite out of all your couples can wait for Raines story!
4/16/2013 c18 3TheClosetWriter16
I am so sad it is over :( I have loved DFFTP and this so much! Thank you for writing it! You are an amazing writer, and this is an amazing story :D
4/16/2013 c18 cat10985
awwwww. can't believe it is over soo soon. I was kinda bummed.. It felt a little rushed.. Like we never see Tenley and Kimber talk after what Kimber told her.. I wanted to know what Tenley felt after that. And then i was hoping for another scene with the grandma and Tenley and her standing up for herself.. And what happened with Tenley's Ex who was bugging her in the beginning.. Humm.. maybe it was just me.. but i felt there were some holes with some things. But i really enjoyed anyways. They are great and it will be sad to see them go. Anyways great job! loved the story even if i was bummed about the holes and how fast it ended. Love your writing!
4/15/2013 c18 3Smartgirl94
Aww, it was such a good book. I can't wait for the new one ;D
4/15/2013 c18 DarkAngel1130
This was perfect! Seriously, I loved it and I also was close to tears. I'm sad to see their story end but as long as their more with someone else that's okay. And I love how their baby boy came out to be like both of them and not just one. And Colton is so much more mature! Which is good because that means that he'll forever be responsible and caring and thoughtful and all these other good things! :) Thanks for writing such an amazing story and for sharing it with us readers! Oh, and uploading this chapter today!
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