Just In
for BodyGuard

6/10 c17 Guest
I don't like people that try blaƧki
Mailing for reviews but other wise the story is good.
10/26/2013 c1 3JacobH
Aside from the copious grammatical and spelling errors, this was a very endearing story.
10/13/2013 c21 5ramblingrobin
Fun story. Find a good beta and you'll be set.
8/6/2013 c21 2CainynAJLB
i just want to say that i love this story very much and will wait anxiously hoping fro a sequel, to be quite frank the only reeason i havent reviewed before nnow because i tend to review with a positive and negative, and i havent really found any negatives so i couldnt review without sounding like im talking out my ass. so yeah i love this story so much and hope you can come up with a sequel and if you cant i will be happy to!
- C
5/27/2013 c21 smashthat
Ahhhhhhh great story
I only wish that punk Ronni got his.
1/2/2013 c20 5OvoAndThatXo
aw! this chapter was cute! especially the new romance between Cameron and Nathan! everything is getting all happy now, so yay i guess! 3
12/30/2012 c21 animeskullgirl16
I loved it :) I'm glad he got to go home and ended up safe :3 I would love to see the storyline for Cam and Nathan :) great chapter!
12/30/2012 c21 1PandaBeaarAmy
really good so far, aside from the numerous grammar errors and what not
12/30/2012 c21 6BeeTheMagicUser
This was just the perfect ending to an amazing story .
12/30/2012 c20 animeskullgirl16
Why such a horrinle cliffhanger? Where's the confrontation of the dad? Ahh but I guess it's goid that he woke up and we got a backstory on the rest of the week while he was comatose... good chapter, I eagerly await the next one!
12/29/2012 c21 Lulu maria
A while back i saw this story and i read its summary. I thought it was gonna be boring so i didnt read it. Yesterday i read it up to chapter 20. I believe that my first choice was stupid. You are a very good writer.
12/29/2012 c20 BeeTheMagicUser
Jake's dad coming was definitely a huge surprise, but I think it's great for the story c: I also love Nathan and Cameron together. Just thought I'd throw that in.
12/18/2012 c19 5OvoAndThatXo
loved loved LOVED this chapter! why the heck did his dad come? especially now of all times. cant wait to find out
12/16/2012 c19 animeskullgirl16
That is a horrible cliffhanger... holy shiz, mow I'm anxious to see what's going to happen next. What's his dad like? What happened? Why did he randomly show up? And what'll happen next for the main couple? So many questions... great chapter! Pleasssseee update soon!
12/16/2012 c18 animeskullgirl16
Hmmm I wonder what things will be like now... good chapter :l
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