Just In
for Finding My Prince

9/23/2012 c52 4BirdyTakeFlight
Oh. Um...wow. Talk about violent...
9/22/2012 c52 twilightwinter
Ok :) hey would it be faster using toes and hands or just hands? Lol ;) love it I like how in the one make beleave world he did all those speshel things for her to show his heart even though he couldn't probably do that in the really world :)
9/22/2012 c52 6Ditto123
Haha, oh wow, you're right! I also like how Aaron seemed to be flawed by twitching his eye. Which people - in my school, idk about other places - make fun off! But I actually found it cute :)

Lol, yeah I actually went back and read a couple of the chapters - not all - and when I re-read them, I remembered it, and I guess that it just stuck to my head :D

Poor Yuki, and poor Pandora too!

Their friendship reminds me of mines and my best friend's relationship. I'm basically Yuki, and my friend is Pandora xD

Oh, I wonder who opened the doors? It's Aaron, right? Since he was in the artificial world and saved his lover two times, so he should know what's about to happen.

Damn, those girls are really crazy! If that were my bestie and me, we would have gone crazy on their ass kick the crap out of them! But to bring a knife to school? I hope that they get caught and get in trouble...

Also, about the new story - can't wait! And I would love read about the future Aaron and Pandora :))

9/22/2012 c49 Ditto123
Okay, so I figured that this is not Yuki, because as you said in one of your AN's she's getting her happily-ever-after in this story :)

And it is most definitely not Dorothea, because the child in this story talks about 'Prince' and 'Panda' who is obviously Aaron and Pandora.

It is said that Prince took her out on a play date, which Aaron wouldn't do, because it is said that Pandora and him never liked Dorothea when they were younger.

And why would Dorothea nickname them Prince and Panda? She doesn't like Pandora, and so she wouldn't miss her - I think? Like she said at the end of the Age 6 section.

So I'm guessing that this new heroine is someone who we haven't met - yet - because we haven't exactly met any little girls in this story - yet.

9/21/2012 c51 Prism Diamond
So, is it Sebastian? (new heroine) o.O
9/20/2012 c51 15artist98
AWWW! That was so cute! I was squealing when I read that because of how cute it was, and I never squeal, ever. Is the heroine going to be Dorothea?
9/20/2012 c51 twilightwinter
Best LOVE itttttttttttt! Lol plz keep writing :)
9/20/2012 c51 6Ditto123
Lol, I love your author's note. They're so amusing. I've actually found this story, uh, two months ago, I think? Idk, I forgot, and I've been such a mean reader to not review this lovely story until now! -.-

Pandora is such a fun heroine :) And when this story is over, I'll be sad, but on the bright side you have the sequel to this! Can the two stories be read separately?

I love Aaron's name, his style, and personality! He's basically my dream guy xD I love guys who have classy style - no swag, 'cause honestly that's not going to help you pay the bills 5-10 years from now - knows how to treat a girl right or as their equal, loving and sweet, and is strong and has colored eyes!

Omg, I looooooooove colored eyes! They're soo amazing :D

And apparently Aaron is ALL of that - and much more, too. He's very considerate.

But you know what they say: If it's too good to be true, then it probably is.

Key word: probably.

Oh, why oh why can't all guys - or most guys - be like Aaron? The sad part is, when there IS a guy that's like Aaron, he's either gay, already taken, or is actually a big jerk O_o

Ahahaa ... sorry for the long review. I make all of my reviews long. Okay, well not ALL of them, but the majority of them is long.

Toodles! S2 {- That's a heart in case you didn't know.
9/16/2012 c50 twilightwinter
Awesome love it plz plz keepwriting. I have falling in love sigh :)
9/15/2012 c49 1M.L.Sia
This looks like it would be another great hit, and another great story! Of COURSE you should make this new story! :D It would make me - and a lot of your fans, I'm sure - very happy since I know the feeling you get when one of your most favorite, likeable story is done.
9/13/2012 c49 Romance4Ri
Is it Yuki? o.o
9/13/2012 c49 HERsheKISSxoxo
Sounds interesting :)
9/13/2012 c49 15artist98
Yeah, Aaron is Pandora's, and they're freaking adorable together(: So I wouldn't take Aaron away from Pandora.
And about the sneak preview, I don't like Lexi. But the story sounds like it'll be awesome!
9/8/2012 c48 artist98
I just... Can I marry this story? Seriously, I'm in love with it!
Can't wait until the next update(:
9/4/2012 c47 artist98
I love this! Can't wait until the next chapter(:
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