Just In
for Finding My Prince

8/15/2012 c29 HERsheKISSxoxo
Normally I read through all of the completed chapters before commenting, but I can't wait till then! Is Alex really Aaron? I've been thinking about when she was in a coma when she and Aaron did that couples thing. One of the trials was that the guy had to be in a box and only allowed to knock, but she guessed that he wasn't in any of them. So is it the same idea? Since Aaron used to be Kevin, but now he's hidden like the box and named Alex? I really hoped that she and the real Aaron end up together!
8/15/2012 c37 1Caramel Hall
My computer cut me off while I was writing a super long essay on for your review! Stupid computer! Basically I was ranting about how I have Kuroko no Basket Disease which basically means I was obsessed with it and was writing a fanfic for it, how awesome Aaron is and wondering why he has to be so perfect, how awesome Pandora is and how she and I think alike-ish, and how Aaron shared his last name with her and just how sweet it was, and how their technically engaged. I just love your story and I'll review all your chapter when I can. I want to apologize for just how... just how... JUST HOW I'VE BEEN SUCH A HORRIBLE FRIEND! I'M SO SORRY! REALLY REALLY SORRY! BUT DON'T PANIC! (Inner self: Aren't you the one panicking? Me: SHUT UP!) I WILL REVIEW! This story is just waiting to become a manga. I'm serious. You're really good. I can see it as a manga. So... the ending seems a little... suggestive don't you think? ...Pandora must be a closet pervert. Anyway, I look forward to the next chapter! Ciao! *rides off to sunset* I need a life. *starts sulking in corner*
8/15/2012 c37 1Yumeri Riku

But really:

That was mean! XC

But anyways, will Aaron get a serious rival anytime? I mean, he's gotta suffer more!

... Blame my love for girls in stories to be strong, and my hate for boys to not be weak.


Seriously, Aaron should get his BIG jealous AND imperfect moments! Grrrr! I hate how he's so perfect!

8/14/2012 c37 Princess97
Pandora... and her dirty thoughts. tis tis tis.
Yay! No competition. It's one thing if Aaron has competition, cuz Pandora has a thing for always coming back to him. But poor Pandora isn't used to competition... oh boy.
8/14/2012 c36 Princess97
Is it that yooki girl? Grrr... i'd rather have them suffer more tests rather than have competition with another girl.
8/14/2012 c36 darksnow23
;A; why why why?!
When they finally came together.. /3

But i have this innate feeling you'll let them be together in the end, right? *hopeful sparkling eyes*

No? *cries a river*
8/13/2012 c36 4BirdyTakeFlight
Whaaat? You're just going to leave me hanging?! No cookies for you then! *turns away and pouts*
8/13/2012 c36 1Yumeri Riku

… Ne, can't you make Aaron suffer for once?

Maybe the person at the door has the same name or nickname or middle name as Aaron... or something. Please!

Just... argh!

Pandora, you suffer so much! Meanie author! DX

But I still love this wonderful story!


Too perfect...
8/13/2012 c35 darksnow23
*flails* ... (O.O )" did i just... flail?!
I commend you on your wonderful writing and fabulous story that has managed to make me flail n(_ _)n

Anyway please don't be scared when I say this, but I LOVE YOU especially for letting them be together again 33
8/13/2012 c35 Princess97
If I had to verbally and physically express my love... it would take quite a while before the fake reality's broken.
Pandora's parents... I would put a paper bag on my head if they were my parents. Hec, I would do that if I was Pandora's parent too. *Sigh* So that's where she gets all the idiosyncrasies from.
8/12/2012 c35 Yumeri Riku
Wow... You updated. o_o

You're so... fast.

*looks at you suspiciously*

Did you already finish writing, and is only torturing us?

I mean, everything works out in the end. Nothing leaves us readers wondering. It pieces out perfectly. It's too perfect.

It's as imperfect as depressing monkeys who lost their bananas are. Yeah. Not depressing. Meaning: This story is perfect.



Wow. I feel excited yet disappointed.

Excited because I want them to end up together.

Disappointed because it's ending.

What to feel, what to feel.


Update soon?
8/12/2012 c34 Guest
took her long enough to say the big three words. aaron's meeting his parents... again? that should be interesting.
8/12/2012 c34 Yumeri Riku

You! Updated! Again! Woohoo!

I was beaming when I noticed there was a new chapter!

I love this story!

It's the best story I've ever read, and I will never forget this intriguing story! It's too good to be real! CX XD

I'd say 'Update Soon', but well, you've updated so much times in just the start of August. Be proud of yourself! :)

Diamond Starlet

* * * * * * * * * *
10 stars for this story!

… Last time it was cut off
8/12/2012 c34 darksnow23
The Supreme Being won't make it more difficult for them will it? ;A;
8/11/2012 c34 1authorLH
Awesome story! :)
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