12/2/2012 c14 Guest
ahhhhhh it's finished and idk whether to be happy (because yay nice ending and yay not dragged out for 57290472 years) or sad (because asghfhsrtfd i will miss these two!) but either way a definitely enjoyable story
looking forward to future stories of yours because augh there's just something i really like about your style of writing.
thank you for being fantastic (and i hope your musical went well!)
ahhhhhh it's finished and idk whether to be happy (because yay nice ending and yay not dragged out for 57290472 years) or sad (because asghfhsrtfd i will miss these two!) but either way a definitely enjoyable story
looking forward to future stories of yours because augh there's just something i really like about your style of writing.
thank you for being fantastic (and i hope your musical went well!)
11/25/2012 c14 13Fruits basket lover '00
I finished the chapter all, "Oh my God!" Then when i saw the " The End" i was like, "OH MY GOD!" And i completely flipped out. I LOVED this, and am definately reccommending this. AMAZING job. Hope you continue with more!
I finished the chapter all, "Oh my God!" Then when i saw the " The End" i was like, "OH MY GOD!" And i completely flipped out. I LOVED this, and am definately reccommending this. AMAZING job. Hope you continue with more!
11/23/2012 c14 8Happy Hippie
Aww, cute! It snuck up on my too, I totally wasn't expecting it to end, but it's a good ending. Good writing in the last couple paragraphs too, I liked it. Tying everything up all nicely and everything. I don't think it needs an epilogue, not many stories really do, but sometimes they're fun and I don't think anyone would complain if you decided to write one. Congratulations on finishing your first chaptered story! I hope it wasn't too traumatic for you :-P
Aww, cute! It snuck up on my too, I totally wasn't expecting it to end, but it's a good ending. Good writing in the last couple paragraphs too, I liked it. Tying everything up all nicely and everything. I don't think it needs an epilogue, not many stories really do, but sometimes they're fun and I don't think anyone would complain if you decided to write one. Congratulations on finishing your first chaptered story! I hope it wasn't too traumatic for you :-P
11/23/2012 c14 2GreenGrass1
Oh, there you go, Ivan. Finally you can (hypothetically) say how you feel.
Anyway, great ending. Love this story.
Oh, there you go, Ivan. Finally you can (hypothetically) say how you feel.
Anyway, great ending. Love this story.
11/22/2012 c14 chibikodo
Actuaaaally I do like the end. :) It's so sweet and schmoopy I like it!
Haha you could have a little extra, if not at epilogue, featuring their reunion with Nico sometime in the future. :)
I'll be looking forward to reading whatever else you end up writing.
Actuaaaally I do like the end. :) It's so sweet and schmoopy I like it!
Haha you could have a little extra, if not at epilogue, featuring their reunion with Nico sometime in the future. :)
I'll be looking forward to reading whatever else you end up writing.
11/22/2012 c14 5IThinkIJustFoundHeaven
So good. I say no epilogue. If anything, do a sequel or Maine a companion book for Nico's story. But I think those are perfect words to close a book on.
So good. I say no epilogue. If anything, do a sequel or Maine a companion book for Nico's story. But I think those are perfect words to close a book on.
11/22/2012 c14 nffhkasjfnbsdkjb
OMG I can't believe this was the last chapter. I loved this chapter, I loved the sweet sexual tension between them and gah you always have me laughing with Ivan's crazy thoughts.
Sometimes I think endings do creep up on you like that...personally I would love an epilogue to see how things are going for them, but whatever you decide to write I'll definitely look forward to reading it:)
OMG I can't believe this was the last chapter. I loved this chapter, I loved the sweet sexual tension between them and gah you always have me laughing with Ivan's crazy thoughts.
Sometimes I think endings do creep up on you like that...personally I would love an epilogue to see how things are going for them, but whatever you decide to write I'll definitely look forward to reading it:)
11/22/2012 c14 2heyitsstupidme
Wow, I didn't expect this to be the last chapter, but I like the way you ended it. You're right, things can't last forever and this story was about their road trip and how they went from being best friends to being boyfriends. I loved this story. It was funny, heartwarming and you just write amazing dialogues. You gave the characters their own personality and behaviour and I enjoyed reading every single chapter. A epilogue or an one-shot would be great, because I'm curious how Ivan is at being Emerson's boyfriend, but it's perfectly fine the way it is.
How was the musical? Did everything go fine?
Wow, I didn't expect this to be the last chapter, but I like the way you ended it. You're right, things can't last forever and this story was about their road trip and how they went from being best friends to being boyfriends. I loved this story. It was funny, heartwarming and you just write amazing dialogues. You gave the characters their own personality and behaviour and I enjoyed reading every single chapter. A epilogue or an one-shot would be great, because I'm curious how Ivan is at being Emerson's boyfriend, but it's perfectly fine the way it is.
How was the musical? Did everything go fine?
11/22/2012 c14 xfffxfxfx
So good! Wonderful. I love the strong undercurrent of sadness in this chapter that gets pushed into that wonderful lovely lovey-dovery at the end.
I don't know what else to say. I've completely enjoyed this and I want you to write something else too. I'm sure you'll progress even further as a writer; and even if there's no discernible improvement, I'll be supportive all the way.
Yes... write on, my little one, write on.
So good! Wonderful. I love the strong undercurrent of sadness in this chapter that gets pushed into that wonderful lovely lovey-dovery at the end.
I don't know what else to say. I've completely enjoyed this and I want you to write something else too. I'm sure you'll progress even further as a writer; and even if there's no discernible improvement, I'll be supportive all the way.
Yes... write on, my little one, write on.
11/22/2012 c14 2Aletiah
The end? Already? I'm so gonna miss your updates, but it good that you will start another story :) Soon, I hope.
I love the ending, it is so sweet! I think Ivan can do relationships, he just needed to find the right guy first, who obviously is Emerson.
And you didn't forget Nico :) (Maybe you could do a story about him? I love him!) Sorry I don't have more to say, but I love the whole story and you are so funny and an amazing writer!
The end? Already? I'm so gonna miss your updates, but it good that you will start another story :) Soon, I hope.
I love the ending, it is so sweet! I think Ivan can do relationships, he just needed to find the right guy first, who obviously is Emerson.
And you didn't forget Nico :) (Maybe you could do a story about him? I love him!) Sorry I don't have more to say, but I love the whole story and you are so funny and an amazing writer!
11/21/2012 c14 6Collins-A
Absolutely perfect. There is nothing about this story I would want you to change. I really hope you dont eventually take this down because I want to read and reread this story anytime.
I can't believe it's done :'( but really, there wasn't a more perfect time to end this story. Perhaps a sequel? That would be so amazing.
Absolutely perfect. There is nothing about this story I would want you to change. I really hope you dont eventually take this down because I want to read and reread this story anytime.
I can't believe it's done :'( but really, there wasn't a more perfect time to end this story. Perhaps a sequel? That would be so amazing.
11/17/2012 c13 Anon
Please update!
Please update!
11/11/2012 c11 8Happy Hippie
Hey dear,
I soooooo wanted to finish all the way through chapter 13 before I had to work my three twelve hour nights in a row and not be able to get anything done until next weekend but...that didn't happen. Sad face. But I got to chapter 11 so I was like, I'll just review again, so that way I won't feel so guilty. Anyway, on to real things - I really like this. It's quite silly which is very refreshing. Don't get me wrong, I love my hardcore drama but sometimes it does get tiring so this is a nice change for me. Also it seems like you tend to write about a lot of the same situations that I do so it's relatable in that way (btw, this thing seems to think relatable isn't a word because it's all underlined in red but I just went and googled it and I swear it really is). Also, quit freaking out in your author's notes, there's no reason to. The pacing is fine, your chapters are short enough that as long as each one contains one specific event that at least somewhat drives the plot I don't think you have anything to worry about.
My one piece of advice, because I feel like this is a total waste of your time if I don't at least attempt some sort of critique, would be don't get so caught up in making characters quirky that the person underneath it gets lost. I feel like Nico's gotten dangerously close to that a couple times. There's nothing wrong with fun characters, and if it's a really minor one that isn't seen very often and only serves for comic relief or something then it doesn't bother me, but just be careful of letting a character become a plot point. Round it out is what I'm saying, show us more than just one side of everyone, or at least of the important people (SO THAT WE KNOW THEY'RE NOT ALIENS!) But that being said, I still really like this, and I'm going to read chapters 12 and 13...on Thursday. Or Friday. But soon.
Hey dear,
I soooooo wanted to finish all the way through chapter 13 before I had to work my three twelve hour nights in a row and not be able to get anything done until next weekend but...that didn't happen. Sad face. But I got to chapter 11 so I was like, I'll just review again, so that way I won't feel so guilty. Anyway, on to real things - I really like this. It's quite silly which is very refreshing. Don't get me wrong, I love my hardcore drama but sometimes it does get tiring so this is a nice change for me. Also it seems like you tend to write about a lot of the same situations that I do so it's relatable in that way (btw, this thing seems to think relatable isn't a word because it's all underlined in red but I just went and googled it and I swear it really is). Also, quit freaking out in your author's notes, there's no reason to. The pacing is fine, your chapters are short enough that as long as each one contains one specific event that at least somewhat drives the plot I don't think you have anything to worry about.
My one piece of advice, because I feel like this is a total waste of your time if I don't at least attempt some sort of critique, would be don't get so caught up in making characters quirky that the person underneath it gets lost. I feel like Nico's gotten dangerously close to that a couple times. There's nothing wrong with fun characters, and if it's a really minor one that isn't seen very often and only serves for comic relief or something then it doesn't bother me, but just be careful of letting a character become a plot point. Round it out is what I'm saying, show us more than just one side of everyone, or at least of the important people (SO THAT WE KNOW THEY'RE NOT ALIENS!) But that being said, I still really like this, and I'm going to read chapters 12 and 13...on Thursday. Or Friday. But soon.
11/10/2012 c13 Anon
Beautiful beautiful beautiful story. Very entertaining
Beautiful beautiful beautiful story. Very entertaining