Just In
for I 90 West

10/9/2012 c11 1borderless
Post reading: OMG you updated so quickly and I am exploding with joy! I finally decided to get a fictionpress (since I had been reviewing and stuff with my Twitter which I don't even use to tweet) and now I get alerts and stuff but I still thought my eyes were playing a trick on me when I saw you put a new chapter up. okay must calmly read it now...
iugsnjkjc... okay I was smiling throughout reading this whole chapter and that makes me sound a bit like a perv or something like that but I swear I am quite normal (or at least not pervy in a freakish way)! I just really like Ivan and Emerson and this chapter was really funny and well hot. Ahem... anyways I'm just happy they're "together" (sort of) but not awkward at all while still being able to crack jokes like before.
10/9/2012 c11 nffhkasjfnbsdkjb
Oh this story is so awesome. It makes me happy to read it XD I laughed when Ivan said 'nice sword'! I love that he's still in denial (a bit) even when they've had sex he's still shying away from the truth.

10/9/2012 c11 16dayofwrath
...Uh, I don't know if that's good sex or not, but you've definitely gotten very *explicit*.
10/9/2012 c11 2GreenGrass1
Haha...I really like the alien scenario...really tickles me. Just too funny!

And I think the sex scene is great!

Looking forward to the next!
10/9/2012 c11 2heyitsstupidme
I was so happy to see that you have updated. This made a shitty day so much better. And Ivan and Nico are great, but I still really love Emerson.
Amazing chapter :)
10/9/2012 c11 1Jeanette V
Well, that was... *blushes* pretty darn good for your first sex scene!
I wonder what this makes them now? Hopefully boyfriends. I want them to be boyfriends!
10/9/2012 c11 2Aletiah
Haha I love this chapter, the alien-thing really made me laugh! It was a really good sex scene too :) Poor Ivan didn't remember a thing from last night but then he got some anyway :)
10/9/2012 c11 LeKo
It didn't suck, obviously. For a first ever actual sex scene it is very good. I love how you keep it playful and use your own words. Keep going.
10/9/2012 c11 xfffxfxfx
So they had that sex! I feel like it's a little too easy. I was expecting Big Catastrophe. Oh well. In fact, we still have yet to see their hearts have sex, and that's the major part, isn't it?

It's a good chapter though. The pacing is good and there are funny parts that make me laugh.

You know I mentioned this story in my series of essays, "That Body of Work"; the most recent chapter. Mayhap you'd find it interesting.
10/7/2012 c10 2ohsocyanide
THERE I WAS COMPLAINING, AND I GUESS IT'S SORT OF OBVIOUS NOW. Guh. So, Ivan made out with Emerson. That's gonna make for insanely awkward breakfast conversation if Ivan remembers. I'm sure Em will, so there's that.

Nico is just, like, I don't even know. I like him, and I feel like I don't like the way Ivan's a bitch to him when he's staying in his house, but that's sort of just Ivan. I mean, Em puts up with him pretty well now, I think, so yeah.

10/7/2012 c9 ohsocyanide
I kept wondering if someone was going to make out through this entire chapter, but nothing happened. I think the slash is between Emerson and Ivan, but to be completely honest, I'm not really sure. There's no real indication for it to be between them other than the fact that the both like guys, but since Nico likes guys too, well. You see my confusion.

10/4/2012 c10 1Jeanette V

XD I just read this all in one sitting! And I have loved every single chapter :D I'm just hoping that Ivan will remember this in the morning! Hopefully Nico won't be too heartbroken. I have to admit, an Ivan/Nico pairing is pretty cute, but then I've always loved best friend slash, so I was fan girlishly excited when Emerson let Ivan kiss him.

Can't wait for more!
10/1/2012 c10 alliciainwonder
Oh my god finally! nkihflszn Emerson & Ivan *sigh*. Ok now I won't be able to wait for the next chapter. Tsk tsk tsk look what you do to me with your multi chaptered stories though I do prefer them over one shots but the waiting ahhh its agony. And now we know Emerson's hair colour YAY! Update sooooon :)
10/1/2012 c10 2heyitsstupidme
Exciting chapter. I enjoyed reading this story as always and I still like Ivan very much (even though he can be such an idiot). :)
What will happen in the morning? I'm looking forward to find it out next chapter.
10/1/2012 c10 2Aletiah
Haha that scene with the remote was just so fun, what did Ivan think when he told Nico to come get it, that he wouldn't? :P
And the end... yay, Ivan and Em kissed! :D Update soon!
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