Just In
for Vampire Blazer

8/20/2013 c46 2JaDeCe
One word: EPIC! I was stuck into this story I can honestly say that I loved it! Thanks for writing it and keeping me entertained!
8/7/2013 c46 Tututlululu
7/20/2013 c45 Tututlululu
I've been following since around the 15th chapter and I have one word. Epic.
4/17/2013 c38 FamishedNight
Awesome chapter.
3/18/2013 c8 9Demon Love
I liked the flashback, it was very intense. You did good!
3/12/2013 c34 FamishedNight
Awesome Chapter!
2/27/2013 c1 toontoom3
very interesting chapter i love the storyline its very interesting
2/19/2013 c31 FamishedNight
Awesome chapter!
2/16/2013 c30 FamishedNight
Awesome chapter!
2/9/2013 c2 7Mallory Swansworth
Desmond. LOL Desmond Tiny from Cirque du Freak. Ever heard of the series?

Ooooooh hunter becomes the hunted. Neat.
2/9/2013 c1 Mallory Swansworth
OMG I love this story so far. Must. Read. More.
1/25/2013 c27 William Kayspear
Oh $h!t Alistar!
1/19/2013 c26 William Kayspear
This chapter was good. Lets just hope their guts don't get them killed.

Question: why Bartholomew? There's a name to pick you up when you're down. Bartholomew. Just say it slowly, you'll see.
1/4/2013 c25 William Kayspear
Never before have I read a vamp story as good as this one! Twilight ain't got SH*T on you're story!
12/14/2012 c23 FamishedNight
Awesome story! Favourite Character is Bane by far! He Was Awesome!
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