Just In
for Touch of Fate

2/15/2023 c1 Anonymous
Finally! Found something worth reading as it has been a while since I have been on FictionPress. The characters so far are interesting. I am not completely sold on Ardin, but will need to see where this leads.
2/15/2023 c2 KatTee
Ardin's character is starting to grow on me. I like how relatable she is and how headstrong she is. Loving the character development
2/15/2023 c1 KatTee
Really enjoyed this first chapter! Can't wait to see what comes next )
7/10/2017 c4 Guest
Love love this story so much
4/3/2013 c4 19Alaeryel
OMG Mystical-finally got to finish the catch up and DAMN IF THIS CHAPTER DIDN'T BLOW ME AWAY! I will be DYING for more here! It is just not getting EXTREMELY INTERESTING! I think I like Seth-ALOT-atleast for right now! I hope you aren't going to turn him into some pompous jackass but I CAN ALREADY SEE SOME DEVIOUS, MISCHIEVOUS machinations running thru his mind and I CANNOT WAIT to see what happens next!
4/2/2013 c3 Alaeryel
OH BLOODY HELL Mystical-for some reason I knew his reaction was going to be bad when he found out who she was but really-did he have to be such a MAJOR JACKASS? This is going to be quite and INTRIGUING and FANTASTIC STORY! YOU CAN RUN CHACE BUT YOU CANNOT HIDE!
4/2/2013 c2 Alaeryel
Ok Mystical-this chapter brought tears to my eyes especially the last little bit with Ardin and her father-VERY VERY TOUCHING AND EMOTIONAL! Chace can be alittle 'sh**' can't he but who can blame him! His grandfather is a conniving old codger though and I LOVED THIS!
1/29/2013 c4 ItzieBitzie
cant wait til your next update! You should be getting more reviews for this awesome story! I'm luvin' Chace... He seems so dark n handsome
1/29/2013 c1 ItzieBitzie
Great start with a pretty decent plot. Hope this story gets better
1/29/2013 c4 NoriNoriChan
Seth seems to be more likeable compared to Chace. He is more warm and much more flirtier and less brooding. I sense some trouble coming up. Cannot wait for you to update again!
1/29/2013 c2 NoriNoriChan
*Blushes* I'm not sure if I like Chace or not. But he seems very handsome
1/29/2013 c1 NoriNoriChan
Great prologue! I'm liking Ardin as a character. She seems quite strong headed

On to the next chapter _
1/2/2013 c3 Kimmygurl
Spotted a few mistakes in this chapter but other than that it was a good writing!

Can't wait for more :)

1/2/2013 c3 xLara.Tx
i'm really liking this Ardin but it seems like she is getting into a lot of unfortunate situations.

Seth seems like a charmer haha. Can't wait to see where this goes!

1/1/2013 c3 6jayniee
Update soon?
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